Sunday, July 26, 2009

Toward Nationalism

It used to be said of the American President Theodore Roosevelt (advocate of 'The New Nationalism') that 'If you were to distill Theodore to his essence, what you would find is 'the Church, militant'.'

Nationalism is neither liberal nor conservative, but combines the elements that are best in the Progressive and Conservative traditions.

Please consider whatever was good in Cromwell and The Commonwealth.

Nationalism is about 'National Loyalty, Fellowship, and Agape.'

Nationalists favor 'Loyalty to one's own and fairness for all'.

We strive always to 'Speak the truth in love', as this comes highly recommended.

All true Nations have an Ethno-Culture. Some contemporary nation-states are sort of political contrivances, improvised and cobbled together without having an Ethno-Culture or genuine natural Nationhood.

It's important that Nationalists be genuinely 'Pro-White, Not Anti-Others.'

Northern Nations need stronger identity, cultural coherence, and mutual allegiance.

Also, as the inherent equal legal standing of all a nation's citizens is a universal principle of justice, equal access and recourse to the law courts in both criminal and civil matters should be assured. Neither the making nor the adjudication of law should be privately funded, as this tends to be corrupting. All legitimate legal cases should be publicly funded, as this is among the most basic public functions. Frivolous or abusive lawsuits/criminal complaints can be 'denied certiorari' (denied a hearing with reasons in writing by the court), and possibly fined.
Substantive Equal Legal Standing of All Citizens. But in what countries is this principle upheld currently? Or do the relatively rich and powerful "buy the pot" as they say in Poker, and force others to acquiesce?
White Nationalists should uphold 'Fair and Open Process'.

In all Northern Nations, there are a lot of foreigners and degenerates who should be asked from time to time "Where would you most like to live, if you could live in any country in the world except this one?" And, so long as it wasn't another Northern country, they should be accommodated in relocating there within reason.

My 'Anthems' :   'America' (My Country 'Tis Of Thee); 'The Hymn of Nations'; 'The Battle Hymn of the Republic'; 'The World Turned Upside Down' and 'Fanfare For The Common Man'.

© Copyright ProNorden, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009

On Nationalist Culture:

We favor Constitutional Democratic Republics (which can include a Constitutional, limited monarchy if it's traditional, with the periodic consent of the citizenry), and an informed, engaged, sovereign citizenry, with the rights of Initiative Referendum, and Recall. Legitimate Accountable Government's a good thing.

The word Nation derives from the Latin (natio, nasci: 'birth' and 'to be born').
So, we are Pro-Family in both the specific and extended general sense. Those of a Nation are literally indigenous
(Latin: endo, within + gignere, to beget) and 'born to it'. ("For Ourselves and Our Posterity" as we used to, and still, say in the beginning of the U.S. Constitution). Nation-states should reflect that to whatever extent practicable. Immigration is usually unnecessary except for repatriation and temporary refuge, and not usually a good idea, with certain exceptions perhaps on a case-by-case basis.

Nationalists favor 'Loyalty to one's own and fairness for all'.

We can generally recommend the Amish...and Switzerland as good examples with a lot of 'cultural coherence'.

We are Pro-Ethics and Anti-Corruption.
We are Pro-Peace and Anti-Imperialism, while reserving the right to protect the innocent.

We are Pro-Work, even when we are 'financially independent', and we generally prefer to live simply, and 'live plain'.

Common Elements of Nationalist Culture: Loyalty to God, Family, and Nation; Big Families with strong traditions and family gatherings, both regional and national; Objective Ethics and Natural Law; Capability, tools and skills;
Conservation and protection of nature and wildlife; Health, fitness, and longevity; Scouting; Stewardship; Eco-technology; Restoration and rehab in construction; Recycling and repair; InterNational Hosteling; Bicycle culture;Enterprise culture; Tendency toward vegetarianism;

© Copyright ProNorden, 2009

On Nationalist Economics:

One Nationalist Economic Axiom: 'Each Nation Should Be Its Own Best Market First.'

Among other the important Nationalist Economic Principles:
Economic Composition :  the types & variety of economic activity or enterprise in your country.  Most-Highly Productive activity is Primary; as contrasted with Vice which is counterproductive/degenerate /net-systemic-value-loss behavior (e.g. gambling, drug-use, inordinate entertainment ...) [That's Right ! Nationalist Economics is not "value-neutral".]
Orders of Economic Activity : Independent Agriculture, Mining, and Manufacturing ( & maybe recycling and repair) are Primary, or  'most highly value-adding' . Transport/Logistics , Wholesaling, Retail Sales, etc. are Secondary or so. Finance , Litigation, Entertainment, Advertizing etc., ? Hard-to-say, but Tertiary at best.
Economic Circulation : the ways and extent of 'flow/circulation'  of value or money in your economy/society. High/Wide Circulation means a high percentage of your citizens are participating in the 'economic flow/ circulation', sufficient for a couple to raise a family with 3 or more children on one person's work income.
Ford 'high wage' Principle : Henry Ford's doctrine, upon unilaterally greatly raising his company's workers' wages, that it is important for people who make the product to be able to afford to buy the product.
Say's Law : Jean Baptiste Say's doctrine that 'Supply induces demand'. Or , for example, that it is Henry Ford's creation &; offer of a cool product, like a Model T Ford, that induces the demand for it. I.e., people weren't just milling about the streets with their horses and buggies, expressing their 'latent demand' to each other in casual conversation for a Ford, prior to Ford and his fellow workers making and offering the car.
Same goes for Wozniak & Jobs creating/offering the Apple II etc., and Elon Musk creating/offering PayPal service and SpaceX rocketry.

We favor both a healthy Market Economy and a healthy Commons, each reinforcing the other.

We favor Localism, Work Co-ops, and Economic Patriotism; we oppose Economic Treason, Predatory Trade, and Parasitism.

We oppose inordinate 'state-ism' , corporatism, unnecessary centralization, and coercive socialism.

Q: What tend to be Nationalist's favorite industrial/economic sectors? A: Recycling, Repair, Independent Farming, and Eco-Manufacturing. And Work Co-ops always.

Q: What tends to be a Nationalist's favorite architecture and construction? A: Restoration/rehab.

We favor a Constitutional Democratic Republic, and an informed, engaged, sovereign citizenry, with the rights of initiative referendum, and recall. Legitimate Accountable Government's a good thing.

A recommendation:
E. F. Schumacher Society at

© Copyright ProNorden, 2009