Sunday, April 7, 2013

13th Post Of Some Of My Nationalist Internet Notes

   The tactics you describe:
Distraction; Smear; 'FalseFlag'/Impersonation/Fraud ; Divida et impera; Threat / Intimidation, etc.
 and the Behavior Traits of  'projection', 'reverse projection', seem like the Characteristics of Leftism/ the Left in general, and includes an overly-insular reductionistic 'ideologizing' of world-view and the 'demonizing' of any opposition.
Re historian David Irving and evolutionary psychologist Prof. Kevin B. MacDonald ..I've not seen much reason to doubt the usual range of presentations of history ..but the freedom to dissent should be upheld.

@scottvska, @littlewhitehead,  ...The only foreigners in Britain & Europe should be on very temporary student-exchange and tourist visas. 'Asylum seeking' should be arranged in their own region of ethnic origin and should be temporary ..until their homeland or near it is safe to return to.
Interesting that the British 'Foreign Relations Act ' was passed within a few years of our Immigration Reform Act of 1965 which similarly deluged us with people who shouldn't be here.
Repeal both now.
Qui bono?
8/22/11,YouTube; Whose Britain is it#1

Re abortion: Ask any biologist; Once 'the gametes get together' ..Congratulations! It's a zygote! ...a genetically complete human in an early stage of development. No additional ingredients needed ..So long as you don't starve or take other measures to kill him/her, she/he will eventually ask you for help on algebra and how to drive a standard shift.
Maybe even the small, innocent, & dependent people are entitled to our protection.

Re 'gay marriage' : While everyone has the natural right/freedom of contract, we all (individually and as a group/community/state) have the freedom to not recognize that contractual association as valid (other than as a enforceable contract between the parties). Even if the contracting perverted parties want to call themselves a marriage, bowling team, or a Mardi Gras  parade ..nobody else is obliged to regard them as that.
The 'gay rights' movement is opposed to that freedom.

@dieversity201 ...Thing is, though, one can't 'slaughter' or 'burn at the stake' even 'to convert' dissenters etc, ..while also being a practicing Christian, i.e. being a  follower and disciple of Christ and his example as presented in the Bible.
At worst, one might be too pietistic and unengaged with the issues of this world. Which is a serious problem in the Church of abdicating civic responsibilities. Francis Schaefer's 'How Shall We Then Live' and Ralph Reed's 'Active Faith' help cure that.

"Each Nation should be its own best market first." -- Buchanan
There's very little point in importing things that can be made by your own folks.
Employ your extended family when you can.
And 'Don't go to strangers.' ( who so often says) ?
Even when the 'strangers' pay for a lot of propaganda to influence you, your media, and academia.
8/18/11, FrenchFarmersProtestOverCheapImports

 I think there's a big difference between 'invidious racism' and ethnocentrism.  Ethno-Nationalists tend to be ethnocentric, as are all healthy extended families (that doesn't mean they dislike the neighbors).
Ruka, as you consider Nationalism (ethno- or civic-) have you looked into Distributism (and Work Co-ops) as it's preferred 'Fair Market' Economics?
 And have you seen my Channel ?(not as exemplary as some ..but I am improving.)

 So NeonPenDragon, I believe that British Nationalism and the nationalisms of Ireland, Scotland, England, and Wales are reconcilable and 'fuse' in a mutual loyalty and appreciation of what's best in their shared cultural/historical experience, against what's worst ..and against both tyranny and treason.
Both Federalism/Subsidiarity and Solidarity are important.
8/17/11, p.n. comment

People who are socially, physically, or verbally abusive  ..are degenerate (and should repent & atone).
(n.b.: 'socially abusive' means smearing, undermining, or ostracizing people behind their back ...basically, violating Christ's admonition to 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' socially.)
There are too many instances of written verbal abuse /degeneracy against Ruka on this comment board.

 @MrTruthAddict , @heyruka, ...Again, Nationalists, white or otherwise, are opposed to supremacism, imperialism, multiculturalism, and the unnecessary use of force.. and against attacking or subverting others.
The same cannot be said for the opponents of Nationalism.
Historical examples of Nationalists are William Tell of Switzerland, Mazzini and Garibaldi of Italy, John Adams and George Washington of America, Mohandas Gandhi of India, Marcus Garvey and Malcolm X , and maybe David Ben-Gurion of Israel.
8/15/11,whyisRukaSo ..racist

@mrdonniedarko, @volksverhetz, @gggeoff
Avoiding any supremacism or anything violence-related or derogatory of others, I would expect that Lamb & Lynx will affirm a reasonable and effective White Nationalism at some point in the future.
And I hope they continue writing their music, lyrics, etc. on whatever they find interesting ..liberal, progressive, nationalist, conservative or whatever..
They might consider getting trained & credentialed at  law or doing sociological studies or advertising or journalism, if they can identify a reliable market for it.
8/14/11,stoptellingliesabout thegaedefamily

 @5468nsj27, @tbro1967,
Sorry, but Mr. Hale does look as though he's trying to make the pro-white community look ridiculous.
Any idea as to whether or not that's his actual intention?
For that matter, are there any groups fairly proven to be intentional 'false flag' groups misrepresenting the pro-white effort to the media and general public ?

 @sman4011 ..Also, if anyone here is interested in a fun and engaging review/introduction to Christianity for bright skeptics, check out C.S. Lewis's 'Mere Christianity' ..YouTube videos available at the Apologetics101 Channel.
Might be best to start with part 2.
The reader doesn't quite reflect Lewis's tone which was more of an amiable- bright- everyman-at-the-pub, although he was a great scholar. But the content is there and even those with anti-Christian prejudices will find it worthwhile.

 @blackacidlizzard, @aburke67,
And never give your public employees and criminals a monopoly on guns and the effective means of self-defense.
I generally recommend joining one's Neighborhood Association,  Neighborhood Crime Watch, and one's local 'Rod & Gun Club'. Fun and good civic fellowship.
Also important is Posse Comitatus, the common law tradition where the good men of your county are 'sworn in' by sheriff and deputies to deal with a particular civic/criminal problem.
For starters, Everyone should know how to make a lawful Citizen's Arrest.
8/13/11, PoliticallyCorrectSkyNewsTakeOnOngoingStateOfSouthAfrica

  @therealitycheck  ..'Short-selling' shouldn't be allowed because it is unethical.
 It's "selling" something you never owned in the first place.  Sort of like making a bet on the price movement of something ..EXCEPT that it actually drives down the price of what one is speculating on...unlike a bet in a game of chance.
People who haven't bought shares in / a position in something shouldn't be allowed to affect the price of it (a company, a commodity, currency, etc..)
It's sort of related to fraud.
8/12/11, ShortsellingbanfailsToBanishEuroFears

@mrblack61 ...So, 'short selling' is semi-fraudulent and harmful to those who've actually 'bought into' and own something (a company, commodity, currency...).
I'm guessing that you think 'fractional reserve banking' is semi-fraudulent and harmful because it may devalue the currency with each loan, increasing the money supply ...seemingly limited only by the demand for loans/debt at lower or higher interest rates ...the demand for loans/debt being near-infinite as interest rates approach zero?
8/13/11, short-sellingbanFailsto BanishEuroFears

      @biozamadotcom,  ..Posse Comitatus is an important common law tradition where the good men of your county are 'sworn in' to enforce the law when needed, preferably with some training.
The real 'way forward' here would be 1.)Repatriation/Deportation/Ex­ile of these thugs. and 2.) Actual Britons (Welsh, English, Irish, Scottish) to form and join their local 'Rod and Gun Club' for the future .
2'nd Amendment rights are important universally. 'An armed society is a polite society.'

 @louiethegreater ..I hope you're not counseling 'defeatism' as a non-response to our problems. Though many of us are ignorant on the specifics, the vast majority of us grasp the relevant principles and policies well enough and favor a "Pro-Family & Economic Patriotism" policy agenda.
Temporarily, we're just being muffled and our energies somewhat dispersed/diverted. But again ..temporary.
Have you found any good civic groups to work with to influence public policy toward 'Economic Patriotism'?
Maybe '' ?
8/11/11, PeterSchiffonKeiserReport

 Well, some good news is that genuine ethical and good-natured Nationalism is going to be one of the 'big stories' of the next few years. Along those lines we really can require our Congressmen to file legislation on our behalf penalizing 'Economic Treason' in an appropriate way. Such legislative bills may be 'sent to committee' and not make it out, but one can bring the media's attention to the legislative bill that's been filed.
Presidential Candidates can be asked about it...
8/11/11, PeterSchiffonKeiserReport

 Excellent piece here by David Duke of all people.
It's kind of shocking to hear what extraordinary good sense this fellow makes when one actually hears him directly ...after largely believing all the smears and vilification of him all these years through the Leftist/corporatist media.
8/11/11, Riot&Racein OnceGreatBritain

 ... Is 'economic treason' grounds for forfeiting one's citizenship? How about other kinds of treason ?
Is it a matter of degree or the 'number of offenses' committed? Has legislation been filed in any country to provide for the "de-citizenizing(?)" of a traitor (economic or otherwise) and for their expulsion from the country?
Perhaps someone should file that legislation. It might not get enacted the first try, but it would bring public attention to the issue.
8/11/11, PeterSchiffonKeiserReport

 Too bad y'all don't have any active Church congregations.
That and a manufacturing base would be a good idea.
But seriously folks ..a real Church active Church supposed to organize worthwhile community activities and bring folks together for a fair range of constructive purposes. Anything positive and constructive you can think of ..a Church can do.
And Church is supposed to be independent of Government.

 If this is the bias influencing that reporters/editors do ON CAMERA, out in the open ...what do you suppose they do in the privacy of their offices, etc. ?
Y'all need a few different competitors in your media market/industry.
What is your 'Pro-Family & Economic Patriotism' television channel, newspaper, newsmagazine, radio station?
8/11/11, FunnyLiveTVInterviewbyBigJimontheLondonRiots

 When your so-called 'leadership community' has hollowed-out your economy by shutting down your manufacturing and sending your jobs to Communist China, and has generally betrayed your Nation ...maybe it becomes a little difficult to come up with a good reason NOT to riot and pillage.
8/10/11, LondonRiots,thebbcWillNeverReplayThis 

There's really no reason these thugs and foreigners should be in Britain.
Might this finally prompt a reassessment in Britain of the policy of having masses of people in your country who really should be relocated to Nigeria, Liberia or something ?
Are we doing enough to reacquaint them with their ancestral homeland ?(Plan A: via Repatriation Tourism. Plan B: plastic zip-tie handcuffs and a C-5 Transport Plane) Because this clearly just isn't working out. Best wishes for their future elsewhere.
8/10/11, BlackRiotsUK2011

 Is there any evidence that the jewish community has been 'commercially exclusionary' toward non-jews in any areas of business?
Any evidence that the jewish community has suborned the selective enforcement or non-enforcement of laws?
Any evidence of organized (RICO-statute-ish) 'commercial slander' campaigns harming/costing their competition?
When our grandfathers used to raise concerns about "sharp practices" in business ...did they ever specify their indictment re what unethical practices?
8/10/11, KevinMacDonalddiscussesjewishinfluenceonwesternculture

 Leftist, ..not John Stewart Mill classical Liberal. Politicizing education (primary school to university), confiscating private property, starting the Obama (or Hitler)Youth League, confiscating privately owned guns, 'Socializing' industries and companies (not by starting competing National companies), speech codes, suppressing other political parties, the Reichstag fire fraud (much like 'hate crime' frauds now, LBJ's Tonkin Gulf, G.W Bush's WMD's,..), attacking/invading other countries.

 Since Hitler was a 'coercive socialist' and homicidal/genocidal maniac he's not one of mine. Hitler was Leftist in the tradition of Robespierre, Staln and Mao ..and more likely to be one of yours. (Check Prof. Paul Johnson, Cambridge Univ, 'Modern Times') Also, Hitler invaded other nations, so ..not a Nationalist.
Regarding the jewish Organized Crime culture from Lansky to Bugsy Segal to Mickey Cohen, ..the history of the 20th Century. Also a big part of the murderous Bolshevik movement.

@JoeMomma2002, @pandasftuw, ..While misguided and sometimes violent political causes, neither of your examples are 'organized crime' as generally understood: e.g: extortion rackets, drug distribution networks, prostitution rings, arson rackets, theft rings know,'thug/criminal culture'.
Meanwhile in Britain and elsewhere it's remarkable how much of criminal culture is comprised of africans, hispanics, jews and other non-Whites.
Is your scatalogical term of abuse typical of your people/family?
  8/9/11,woodgreenlooting1london8/9/11, sub.

 Actually, in America there's never been organized crime among those of Scandinavian, German, Dutch or British ancestry, so far as I know.
But maybe you and I can agree that any criminal is a suitable candidate for Exile / Repatriation/ Deportation to an appropriate continent ?
Beyond that, for those seeking Britain, Europe etc. as a 'land of opportunity'...they shouldn't be eligible for welfare/public funding ..and they should be guided to explore the opportunities of their homeland.

A person who hasn't yet learned to love a member of the opposite sex shouldn't have children. The capacity to love naturally is properly a prerequisite for parenthood.
Our society should restore and uphold that natural/traditional standard, and somehow penalize promiscuity and bastardy.
Our society has a major 'bastard problem', literally.  i.e. children being born to illegitimate households.
8/9/11, iamawomanagainstfeminism

 So, maybe savage Leftists and foreigners SHOULDN' T be residents of Britain ?
Might this finally prompt a reassessment in Britain of the prudence/policy of having masses of people in your country who really should be relocated to Nigeria, Liberia or something ?
Are we doing enough to reacquaint them with their ancestral homeland? ..because this clearly just isn't working out. Best wishes for their future endeavors elsewhere.

 Eddie Izzard is funny, but if any atheist here has the guts, check out Ben Stein's excellent and entertaining documentary 'Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed", on Intelligent Design Theory and the controversies about Leftist academia's censorship of it.

 Wisconsin? What the hell is a pack of them doing in a North Central state? Behaviorally, they don't even seem like actual Americans.
Shouldn't they be on some other continent? Exile is a traditional, proven remedy/penalty for those who don't abide by the laws of a Nation. And we have large transport planes departing for Lagos, Nigeria every week.
Better than feeding the CCA Corp. /US Prison Industry
Also, my State/Commonwealth issues I.D. cards, either Driver's License or other Photo I.D. Shouldn't we be able to set some standards as to who may or may not be a resident of my Commonwealth or maybe even my Town?
We used to have 'Covenant Deeds' for land that specified who could or couldn't be sold the real estate, based on free/consentual contract. That freedom of contract should perhaps be upheld today and pertain to rental leases as well.
8/5/11, MobBeatingsAtWisconsinStateFair

 Maybe we should have a genuinely democratic Nationalist political party, favoring policies that are Pro-Family, Stewardship, & Fair Trade/Economic Patriotism (e.g. National Tariff/Import Tax). Maybe that's largely the Tea Party Movement but it's being muffled ...for now.
Nationalists are Pro-Worker and work, and support Worker Co-ops. Nationalists favor an economy of both a Fair Market and thriving Commons.
Go BNP. Go Nationalist.
'Pro-Family, Stewardship, & Fair Trade'
8/5/11, workercooperativesinargentina

 Whatever any other intent, the predictable effect of the "gay" movement, anti-male feminism, neo-marxism in general, etc. ..has been to divide and factionalise white nations.
'divida et impera.' ..and 'who benefits?'
Meanwhile what Pro-Family and Pro-Britain (or your country) curriculum reform have we of the more normal community proposed and implemented ?
Do Patriots, Conservatives, Nationalists, etc. show up at the School Committee meetings, serve on the School Committee of our town/area? Influence the PTA (Parents-Teachers Association) meetings?

 What's the penalty for Economic Treason? ...and what should the penalty be?
Exercising your right to legislative Initiative,  your Congressman and/or Senator is required to file whatever legislation you write-up and request to be introduced. It will at least go to Committee after a 'first reading'.
Who should sponsor legislation against Economic Treason?
8/3/11, laid-offamericansmeansmorejobsforindia

I think immigration is a significant 'brain drain'/cost to the home country from which they emigrate, both individually/incrementally and as a larger emigration/ex-pat community.
And it's a significant harm/cost to the working folks of the country to which they immigrate, often displacing that nation's workers from jobs and contributing to downward pressure on wages/benefits.
Corporatist/semi-predatory employers tend to like it, as does the corporatist media.

There's also the larger loss to one's home country of the 'ripple effect'/x-factor of organic community/family that would have developed had one remained and built one's own country. Like 'compound interest' that multiplies over time. The nation to which one is born is quite literally one's (very?)extended family with whom one's ancestors have developed a unique culture. It deserves loyalty ..even if it's the loyalty of not entirely uncritical improvement/restoration.

Do the Degenerates among America's "ruling class"  feel overly-constrained by having to 'pay the tribute' of  their hypocrisy to the virtues of the Christian Culture/'mass opiate'/paliatives ?
"Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue" -- La Rochefoucauld
8/3/11, sethmacfarlanonatheismandgayrights

So Missing00th ..When you say "White" you might want to be specific/accurate re crimes of financial predation by sort-of pale skinned people. Not everybody of pale complexion  regards themselves as primarily White by identification or loyalty. Many in the jewish community, for instance, regard themselves as different and apart from the non-jewish community.
But basically 'Yeah !' reason pale-skinned criminals in general of predatory finance and corruption shouldn't be shipped-off to either their homeland or continent of ethnic origin.
But re your language ..does your rabbi or imam know you think/talk this way?
8/3/11, surveillancevideoofafricanamericanteenflashmobrobbingupperdarbysears

 Oh dear. This why we can't have nice things.
You know, Exile is a traditional remedy/penalty for crime, and we have large transport planes departing from my town's airport for each and all continents a few times per week.
 If they don't want to conduct themselves as Americans ...I hear Zimbabwe might be open to offers.
8/3/11, wild pack

 Foreigners generally should not be citizens of Norway or any European country. On balance there's no good purpose served by having foreigners in your country except on very temporary student exchange or tourist visas.
Refugees/'asylum seekers' should be accommodated in their region of ethnic origin.
Go BNP. Go Nationalist.
'Pro-Family, Stewardship, & Fair Trade'

 So, generally there shouldn't be any foreigners in Britain or Europe except for those on very temporary visas for tourism or student exchange. Repatriation/Resettlement should become a big family-wage industry in Britain and Europe. Unnecessary Immigration is Economic Treason.
'If they have a homeland's time to go home.'

   Bulletin by ProNorden  
(33 minutes ago) M,8/1/11..Today's Nationalist Survey Question at my Channel: What communities of affinity for Nationalists should be reached/persuaded by 'Nationalist ethics' ? (e.g., aprox. what percentage of the jewish or islamic communities understands and would favor the Nationalist ethics of : 'Peace & Independence', 'Live & Let Live', 'To Each His Own', etc.?)

From 01:38 - 04:30 is key here, particularly 02:36 - 02:46. While Breivik was obviously insane, he may also have been a 'false flag' set-up.
This is suggested by the timing of the attacks after the measures taken by the Norway's majority party against Israel. It was that majority party's Youth Training camp that was targeted.
Also the predictable interpretation by the corporatist media and their focus of blame. Also the basic investigative question, "Who benefits?"
Well, again predictably ..NOT the ethno-nationalist/anti-immigration folks.
7/30/11, zionistterrorisminnorway

 I doubt that generally people 'hate' gays/homosexuals per se (who are about as nice or disappointing as the general run of people). 'Gay movement' propaganda misleads on that one, partly to keep so-called "gays" fearful and dependent/'on the plantation' of the homosexual sub-culture/market. None of them actually 'is gay' ..they've usually just been hurt and doing stupid stuff for a while.
Check DefendTheFamily com and NARTH com
@bakonfreek, @supermratheist, @raggerxx, @pyr666, @redjoker, @53dumey, @jjott641
(cont.) But people disapprove of the practice of homosexuality (and all perversions/fetishes) with good reason .. if one actually cares about anybody inclining toward it.
Homosexuality, like other perversions/fetishes, is pointless and counterproductive and there's just no reason for the public to confer approval /'the force of law' to it.
Also, the Leftist socio-political 'gay movement' is 'homofascist' and wrong.
7/30/11,rocket boom,gay marriage 

 At 0:15 , WRONG. Congress is the principal policy-making branch of American Federal Government, according to the Constitution, Article One.
And the 10th Amendment sort of assigns most of that plicymaking/legislating to the State Legislatures.

It's important that informed Nationalists not allow Predatory Parasites of any kind to set ethnicities at each-other's throats. Toward a policy of Repatriation/ Resettlement & Emigration, firm peaceful resolve and a good-natured offer can start a Great Peaceful Movement of Repatriation to each Continent.
Also, Breivik may have been a 'false flag' set-up.
'If they have a homeland ... it's time to go home.'
7/29/11, OdeToADyingPeople,Saga

But if they import enough Asians (both SouthEast and South Central) they don't even need to semi-falsify the hiring/placement process with "affirmative action" in order to displace White men from family-wage jobs.
Same goes for dumping White women into the 'work market' both drives down wages and displaces White men. Therefore less White mating, and maybe more White women become “more widely 'available'“ .
7/28/11, petition to apply affirmative action’tobasketballteam

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