Added Thursday, May 3, 20012
InterNational Hostelling : A Cultural Exchange, Peace, & Travel Movement
that Nationalists have tended to favor.
Judeo-Leftists such as Dan Savage might be using homosexuality/perversion culture as a factional dividing tactic in the general culture against Whites, much as they are often said to use other ethnic/gender factionalisms (e.g. anti-male 'feminism') to 'divide and rule'.
Examine your media, finance, academic, and political fields with a critical eye on this point.
Religious texts etc. aside, homosexuality is a neurotic, maladaptive, often temporary behavior. Problem is it's been politicized by 'homofascists' who've made a sort of cult industry of it, & can't stand to hear the evidence & reasoning against counterproductive perversions.
Homosexuality is basically ludicrous masturbation for 2 or more players,accomplishes nothing good, & may be a very bad influence on others.
And it's basically anti-social 'hetero-phobia'.
And Dan Savage is jewish. Apparently 'bent' on reinforcing stereotypes.
4-29-12, DanSavageDiscussesBibleAtHighSchoolJournalismConvention
Edelweiss: Some flora that Nationalists tend to like.
Added Monday, 4-9-12
The Ecology movement 'Theta' symbol, something else often favored by Nationalists
Added Wednesday, 3-28-12
Added Thursday, May 3, 20012
InterNational Hostelling : A Cultural Exchange, Peace, & Travel Movement
that Nationalists have tended to favor.
So, 'Multiculturalism' has been advocated/propagated in Australia, Europe, and my country, America.
By Whom, do you suppose? And Why? Do you s'pose it’s some group/community of "Australians" or New Zealanders , traveling around the world promoting/organizing/lobbying for 'multiculturalism', the flood of foreigners, into Europe and America ?
Probably not.
Who then?
Well, Whoever it is should probably be kicked out of Australia, Europe, America, Russia, etc.
There may be historical precedent.
4-28-12, yt, 60Minutes:EDLTommyRobinsonOnIslamicExtremism(60Minutes,Australia)
Way To Go, Mr. Griffin & the BNP in restoring the celebration of England's St. George's Day.
Good policies too, advocating to restore British sovereignty/self-governance, restore Britain's productive economy/manufacturing base with Worker Co-ops, and restore Britain's ethno-cultural composition & coherence.
Those opposing the BNP are mostly temporarily brainwashed into anti-white 'multiculturalism' by degenerate corporatists.
If you can appreciate someone Pakistani being pro-Pakistani, you should support the BNP's view.
By Whom, do you suppose? And Why? Do you s'pose it’s some group/community of "Australians" or New Zealanders , traveling around the world promoting/organizing/lobbying for 'multiculturalism', the flood of foreigners, into Europe and America ?
Probably not.
Who then?
Well, Whoever it is should probably be kicked out of Australia, Europe, America, Russia, etc.
There may be historical precedent.
4-28-12, yt, 60Minutes:EDLTommyRobinsonOnIslamicExtremism(60Minutes,Australia)
Way To Go, Mr. Griffin & the BNP in restoring the celebration of England's St. George's Day.
Good policies too, advocating to restore British sovereignty/self-governance, restore Britain's productive economy/manufacturing base with Worker Co-ops, and restore Britain's ethno-cultural composition & coherence.
Those opposing the BNP are mostly temporarily brainwashed into anti-white 'multiculturalism' by degenerate corporatists.
If you can appreciate someone Pakistani being pro-Pakistani, you should support the BNP's view.
Interesting to think on what observances might become part of the
St.George's Day Tradition. Along with "flying the flag and enjoying
yourselves", any particular readings or recitations? Folk sing-alongs?
Any tree-plantings or group community tasks? (Community clean-ups might
have a certain symbolic weight plus being good fellowship before hitting
the pub or community pot-luck supper.)
4-28-12, yt, ‘OurDay’-St.George’sDay
4-28-12, yt, ‘OurDay’-St.George’sDay
The 'substantive diversity' mentioned around 12:20 is symbolized in the foods the host refers to, but is lived-out and expressed in the literature, thought, inventions, enterprise, statutes and common law, public discourse, and family life of a nation.
Overly-centralized media across borders has tended to overly homogenize/Americanize much of the public discourse.
But that can be changed.
4-28-12, yt, PositiveNationalism
I suppose if we're going to experiment with 'Multiculturalism'/ 'large scale foreign immigration' at all, it should be in a non-white country, ... perhaps a smaller one of fairly recent creation ..like Israel ..where Africans, Asians, SouthAmericans, & Islamics can all be made full citizens.
So, if Israel first adopts 'large-scale foreign immigration' successfully over the next 50 years, maybe other countries can then consider it.
Strange 'multicult' advocates haven't pushed for this before ?
The problem isn't so much the 'Islamists'. It's the sort of people who arranged for them and other foreigners to be granted citizenship in your country.
As though they might want to predictably pit you against each other.
"Paxman"? Odd sort of name ...What part of the world is that from?
4-28-12,yt, JeremyPaxmanInAmazementAtEDLLeaderStephenLennon
Overly-centralized media across borders has tended to overly homogenize/Americanize much of the public discourse.
But that can be changed.
4-28-12, yt, PositiveNationalism
I suppose if we're going to experiment with 'Multiculturalism'/ 'large scale foreign immigration' at all, it should be in a non-white country, ... perhaps a smaller one of fairly recent creation ..like Israel ..where Africans, Asians, SouthAmericans, & Islamics can all be made full citizens.
So, if Israel first adopts 'large-scale foreign immigration' successfully over the next 50 years, maybe other countries can then consider it.
Strange 'multicult' advocates haven't pushed for this before ?
The problem isn't so much the 'Islamists'. It's the sort of people who arranged for them and other foreigners to be granted citizenship in your country.
As though they might want to predictably pit you against each other.
"Paxman"? Odd sort of name ...What part of the world is that from?
4-28-12,yt, JeremyPaxmanInAmazementAtEDLLeaderStephenLennon
Andrew Neil appears to be a corporatist anti-British meat puppet.
Griffin gives good, clear answers here to basically smear/attack questions and badgering interruption by an unprofessional degenerate.
Neil avoids/evades the broader substantive policy agenda of the BNP which is to restore British sovereignty/self-governance, restore Britain's productive economy/manufacturing base, and restore Britain's ethno-cultural composition and coherence.
Go BNP.: 'Pro-Family, Stewardship, and Fair Trade'
4-28-12,YT, NickGriffinDailyPoliticsWithAndrewNeil
Griffin gives good, clear answers here to basically smear/attack questions and badgering interruption by an unprofessional degenerate.
Neil avoids/evades the broader substantive policy agenda of the BNP which is to restore British sovereignty/self-governance, restore Britain's productive economy/manufacturing base, and restore Britain's ethno-cultural composition and coherence.
Go BNP.: 'Pro-Family, Stewardship, and Fair Trade'
4-28-12,YT, NickGriffinDailyPoliticsWithAndrewNeil
Judeo-Leftists such as Dan Savage might be using homosexuality/perversion culture as a factional dividing tactic in the general culture against Whites, much as they are often said to use other ethnic/gender factionalisms (e.g. anti-male 'feminism') to 'divide and rule'.
Examine your media, finance, academic, and political fields with a critical eye on this point.
Religious texts etc. aside, homosexuality is a neurotic, maladaptive, often temporary behavior. Problem is it's been politicized by 'homofascists' who've made a sort of cult industry of it, & can't stand to hear the evidence & reasoning against counterproductive perversions.
Homosexuality is basically ludicrous masturbation for 2 or more players,accomplishes nothing good, & may be a very bad influence on others.
And it's basically anti-social 'hetero-phobia'.
And Dan Savage is jewish. Apparently 'bent' on reinforcing stereotypes.
4-29-12, DanSavageDiscussesBibleAtHighSchoolJournalismConvention
Edelweiss: Some flora that Nationalists tend to like.
The 'individual harm' argument/concern re homosexuality/"gay marriage" is basically that private fetishes are detrimental especially if they keep you from courtship and (real) marriage and family .. and shouldn't receive any public support as it sets a bad example/influence.
Learning to love members of the opposite sex is literally 'vital' psychological maturity that shouldn't be undermined.
'Social harm' argument is that the politicized perversion community is fascist in its tactics and factional/anti-social in its effect ...
Some good places to start for facts & reasoning against the homofascists are Defend The Family.com & NARTH.com. Defend The Family's list of links are great.
The 'drawback/harm of same-sex marriage' arguments are mostly along the lines of 'giving public approval to psycho/social dysfunction' and the sheer social costs of imposing on others (insurance? companies, employers, etc.) a ludicrous legal definition they'd not likely accept voluntarily, & bad influence on kids given cultural variability.
Learning to love members of the opposite sex is literally 'vital' psychological maturity that shouldn't be undermined.
'Social harm' argument is that the politicized perversion community is fascist in its tactics and factional/anti-social in its effect ...
Some good places to start for facts & reasoning against the homofascists are Defend The Family.com & NARTH.com. Defend The Family's list of links are great.
The 'drawback/harm of same-sex marriage' arguments are mostly along the lines of 'giving public approval to psycho/social dysfunction' and the sheer social costs of imposing on others (insurance? companies, employers, etc.) a ludicrous legal definition they'd not likely accept voluntarily, & bad influence on kids given cultural variability.
4-21-12, YT,IfyouopposeHomosexualmarriageYouAreLabeledAnExtremist.
As for what you call 'economically left wing', the Economics of National Loyalty are traditional and conservative, e.g. the first law enacted in America after we established our Constitution was the Tariff Import Tax ..to become economically independent of Europe, & self-sufficient. Within 15 years we were.
The depredations of 'maximizing shareholder value' of 'free trade' zombies is what we used to call 'Manchester Liberalism' and is traditionally known as overly abstract and destructive.
Further, I would expect that the BNP favors Worker Coops as well as the Tariff Import Tax to guard against Predatory Trade by foreigners and against Economic Treason domestically.
No coercive socialism (i.e.'Left-wing economically') in all that.
On social/cultural issues the BNP is consistently 'Pro-Family' (traditional 'show cause' standard for divorce; Natural definition of marriage; Opposing unnecessary abortion) as would expect Hannan is ..and opposed to giving citizenship to foreigners?
4/21/12,yt, thenewroadtoserfdom,
The depredations of 'maximizing shareholder value' of 'free trade' zombies is what we used to call 'Manchester Liberalism' and is traditionally known as overly abstract and destructive.
Further, I would expect that the BNP favors Worker Coops as well as the Tariff Import Tax to guard against Predatory Trade by foreigners and against Economic Treason domestically.
No coercive socialism (i.e.'Left-wing economically') in all that.
On social/cultural issues the BNP is consistently 'Pro-Family' (traditional 'show cause' standard for divorce; Natural definition of marriage; Opposing unnecessary abortion) as would expect Hannan is ..and opposed to giving citizenship to foreigners?
4/21/12,yt, thenewroadtoserfdom,
Unlikely that leftist degenerates like Sean Lock would ever dare oppose their 'Multicultural' judeo-Corporatist overlords.
Provides an insight into the vicious hatred 'humor' of the self-hating White leftist. The Stockholm Syndrome of those who've 'internalized their oppression', 'identify with their oppressor' ..and lash-out at those who advocate & advance their freedom.
Sean Lock leftists roughly = Roman slaves hating Spartacus, 'House slaves' in the antebellum U.S. South who hated Nat Turner or John Brown, and jews that reportedly denounced Moses for bringing them out of Egypt.
Leftists are Sick stuff.
Provides an insight into the vicious hatred 'humor' of the self-hating White leftist. The Stockholm Syndrome of those who've 'internalized their oppression', 'identify with their oppressor' ..and lash-out at those who advocate & advance their freedom.
Sean Lock leftists roughly = Roman slaves hating Spartacus, 'House slaves' in the antebellum U.S. South who hated Nat Turner or John Brown, and jews that reportedly denounced Moses for bringing them out of Egypt.
Leftists are Sick stuff.
4/18/12, YT, SeanLock-NickGriffin&theBNP
Added Tuesday, April/17/12
'Loyalty to one's own, and justice for all.'
4/14/12, YT, MyTramExperience,.Woman
4/14/12, YT, MyTramExperience,.Woman
Sir Enoch Powell, MBE (6/1912- 2/1998) a British leader that Nationalists tend to favor.
@DanHannanMEP Do you s'pose maybe the purpose of your economy and companies shouldn't be to increase profits to non-working people?
Do the economic metrics of your nation account for the 'full costing' of damage done to the habitats of other species ?
Do the economic metrics of your nation account for the 'full costing' of damage done to the habitats of other species ?
What do you think the right purposes/goals are for economic activity of your Nation & species? Is "growth" maybe a bad idolatry?
4/16/12, Twitter
While I believe that Pro-White advocates should be prepared to make the 'right of Nationhood/self-determination' case and the 'biodiversity of breeds' case, another important advocacy focus is the goal/paradigm of White Nation Progress and Fellowship.
White Nation Progress is the 'paradigm'/goal of developing the Economy and Culture most conducive to our nature. It's the cultural-economic paradigm of Natural Affinity informed by Tradition.
White Nation Progress is the 'paradigm'/goal of developing the Economy and Culture most conducive to our nature. It's the cultural-economic paradigm of Natural Affinity informed by Tradition.
It's sort of the cultural-economic paradigm of ...'Crunchy Conservatives' by Rod Dreher/ 'Stuff White People Like' by Christian Lander/ Nationalist Economics of Tariff Import Tax and Worker Co-operatives/ Amish-to-Menonite Agrarianism/ Norse 'Thing' governance/ Anglo-American Constitutional Democracy/ Anglo-Saxon Common Law of EdwardCoke to LearnedHand/ Swiss 'armed peacefulness' ..the pro-Peace of mutual Protectors against predators / Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) groups/ Rod & Gun Clubs/ Voluntary Eugenics of further developing traits of health, abilities, intelligence, kindness, fortitude, etc. / Pro-Ecology 'Sustainable' Economics of 'Distributism - Localism-Decentralism' & E. F. Schumacher /the J.RR. Tolkien rural idyl of 'shire'/ the Pro-Family attachments of Family-Clan-Tribe-Nation/ Anarcho-democratic traditions of Do It Yourself (DIY) Movement and Bicycle Co-ops/ the Tradition of Exploration and Discovery/ the Tradition of Learning/ Ecological Stewardship & Animal Rights/ Traditional values of Natural Family /Pro-Family Culture of Courtship and Mating-Marriage/ Self-Determination of ethno-Nationhood/ ..etc.
It's a 'rough consensus' of natural affinity toward a life-affirming White Nationalist culture that can be ... highly motivating and engendering dedication ... and active Fellowship.
4/17/12, OccidentalQuarterly, ‘WhitePreservationismIsDead’
It's a 'rough consensus' of natural affinity toward a life-affirming White Nationalist culture that can be ... highly motivating and engendering dedication ... and active Fellowship.
4/17/12, OccidentalQuarterly, ‘WhitePreservationismIsDead’
Re the 'kosher fees' paid by your family's business, and others by all of us indirectly to the jewish groups. Consider also the restaurant/food service industry ... the largest industry in America in terms of employment.
Who receives what fees for the various certifications and permitting required to do business in that field? And so what supply services tend to be used and what are 'displaced'? And how much is 'kosher'-related? .. to be able to do business serving the 'general public'.
4/17/12,YT, What’sBehindTheKosherScam?
Who receives what fees for the various certifications and permitting required to do business in that field? And so what supply services tend to be used and what are 'displaced'? And how much is 'kosher'-related? .. to be able to do business serving the 'general public'.
4/17/12,YT, What’sBehindTheKosherScam?
Many of our employers, supervisors and 'cultural arbiters' seem fairly clear and supportive of racial identity when they meet on Saturday at Synagogue.
4/15/12, YT, RaceExistsGetUsedToIt
4/15/12, YT, RaceExistsGetUsedToIt
The only foreigners in Britain or Europe should be on very temporary student-exchange or tourist visas.
'To each his own.' 'Don't go to strangers'. 'Vive le difference'.
Voluntary Repatriation Campaign & Incentives generally Now.
Mandatory Repatriation of criminals/illegals Now.
4/15/12, YT, Young,BritishAndAngryPt1
'To each his own.' 'Don't go to strangers'. 'Vive le difference'.
Voluntary Repatriation Campaign & Incentives generally Now.
Mandatory Repatriation of criminals/illegals Now.
4/15/12, YT, Young,BritishAndAngryPt1
It's a racist anti-white policy to flood Britain and Europe with foreigners, and it's probably intended to displace, undermine our indigenous population. A self-respecting nation has more mutual loyalty than that. Identify the subversive element in your country that has been promoting that quasi-genocidal, anti-white policy, and remove it.
Voluntary Repatriation Incentives generally Now.
Mandatory Repatriation for Criminal Cases Now.
Voluntary Repatriation Incentives generally Now.
Mandatory Repatriation for Criminal Cases Now.
Added Monday, 4-9-12
The Ecology movement 'Theta' symbol, something else often favored by Nationalists
Oh dear ..such a dangerous 'slippery slope' from 'defective' fetal humans, to 'defective' baby humans, to 'defective' infanticidal Oxford professors ..is but a step.
And who'd be next on the 'undesireables hit list'? ..Corporate lawyers ? Hedge-Fund Managers?
Pretty soon the bodies of the 'counterproductive element'/ 'potential people' in society would be stacked up like cord-wood on street corners waiting for dump truck removal.
Reminds one of Gilbert & Sullivan's 'I've Got A Little List' ...
3-25-12, YT, LifeABurden?After-BirthAbortionOutrageSparkedInUK
And who'd be next on the 'undesireables hit list'? ..Corporate lawyers ? Hedge-Fund Managers?
Pretty soon the bodies of the 'counterproductive element'/ 'potential people' in society would be stacked up like cord-wood on street corners waiting for dump truck removal.
Reminds one of Gilbert & Sullivan's 'I've Got A Little List' ...
3-25-12, YT, LifeABurden?After-BirthAbortionOutrageSparkedInUK
The relevant ethical distinction is that you shouldn't be able to contribute SOMEONE ELSE'S MONEY to a campaign or political PAC/super-Pac or whatever. That applies to both corporations and labor unions.
The 'Citizens United' case is manifestly 'reversible error' ..as is 'Roe vs. Wade', and should be overturned in the fairly near future.
And the whole issue should be obviated by enacting 'Voluntary Public Funding of Elections' ('Clean Elections Law').
3-25-12,YT, FeingoldCriticizesCitizensunitedDecision
The 'Citizens United' case is manifestly 'reversible error' ..as is 'Roe vs. Wade', and should be overturned in the fairly near future.
And the whole issue should be obviated by enacting 'Voluntary Public Funding of Elections' ('Clean Elections Law').
3-25-12,YT, FeingoldCriticizesCitizensunitedDecision
Thanks. Correction, then: "One of the largest..."
Substantive point still stands.
One of those (recurrent?) historical cases where apparently 'Familiarity breeds ..." well, concern that the jewish community was adversarially factional, and the policy of deporting them to Palestine (Adolf Eichmann's earlier assigned duty and Germany's original preferred policy in 1937).
(Odd that we don't hear much about that in our schools or corporate media ?)
4-9-12, YT, LiberalFascismQ-A(2)
Substantive point still stands.
One of those (recurrent?) historical cases where apparently 'Familiarity breeds ..." well, concern that the jewish community was adversarially factional, and the policy of deporting them to Palestine (Adolf Eichmann's earlier assigned duty and Germany's original preferred policy in 1937).
(Odd that we don't hear much about that in our schools or corporate media ?)
4-9-12, YT, LiberalFascismQ-A(2)
This film appears to be an important part of the discussion that tragically is not taking place nearly enough on America's campuses and more widely in our media.
I'm surprised that the Professor (name?) at 02:32 says that Fitzgerald's character Gatsby/Gatz is jewish. He's definitely a type of socio-economic insurgent and parvenu, and is a bootlegger associate of the Wolfsheim/Rothstein organized crime figure. But the Gatz's of North Dakota aren't likely jewish. (Cont.)
(Continued) ...Or is this just as close as Fitzgerald could come to it, without upsetting the 'publishing' community? Kinda like the way citing of (Bostonian, Pro-White historian/journalist) Lothrop Stoddard's books has to be by an unsympathetic character, Tom Buchanan.
Anyway, this film deserves a re-working and additional 30 minutes to find a general-market audience through film festivals and judicious release of 'teaser' clips on the internet. Check Jarecki's 'Why We Fight' or Michael Moore for 'pacing'.
3-30-12, YT, MinorityRule:TheRiseOfPoliticalCorrectness
I'm surprised that the Professor (name?) at 02:32 says that Fitzgerald's character Gatsby/Gatz is jewish. He's definitely a type of socio-economic insurgent and parvenu, and is a bootlegger associate of the Wolfsheim/Rothstein organized crime figure. But the Gatz's of North Dakota aren't likely jewish. (Cont.)
(Continued) ...Or is this just as close as Fitzgerald could come to it, without upsetting the 'publishing' community? Kinda like the way citing of (Bostonian, Pro-White historian/journalist) Lothrop Stoddard's books has to be by an unsympathetic character, Tom Buchanan.
Anyway, this film deserves a re-working and additional 30 minutes to find a general-market audience through film festivals and judicious release of 'teaser' clips on the internet. Check Jarecki's 'Why We Fight' or Michael Moore for 'pacing'.
3-30-12, YT, MinorityRule:TheRiseOfPoliticalCorrectness
Added Wednesday, 3-28-12
Irish ethno-cultural nationalism within British Nationhood. Subsidiarity within Solidarity.
3-28-12, YT, SineadOconnor,OroSeDoBheathaBhailehite
3-28-12, YT, SineadOconnor,OroSeDoBheathaBhailehite
Re the coverage of the Toulouse France Murders .... The White Nationalist community is owed an apology and some substantive amends/reparation for the TWO smears circulated by the Corporatist media's malpractice: equating white nationalism with neo-nazis, and misreporting that either were responsible for this atrocity.
Corporatist media itself is an ongoing atrocity of misleading propaganda, and should be held accountable.
And is there any evidence to suggest that France might have a judeo-supremacist problem in media, finance, etc. ?
3-23-12, yt, Anti-semitismAndMurderInFrance:SomeDeeperProblemsInFrenchSociety
And is there any evidence to suggest that France might have a judeo-supremacist problem in media, finance, etc. ?
3-23-12, yt, Anti-semitismAndMurderInFrance:SomeDeeperProblemsInFrenchSociety
Under the one coat of paint on a contemporary 'liberal/social democrat/Leftist' you'll find an oppressive fascist. And the paint's flaking away increasingly often nowadays
3-28-12, YT, LiamStaceyJailedForRacistTweet:TheDoubleStandard
Swiss Army Knives (or anything): another item Nationalists tend to favor.
(something to do with being able to make oneself useful. And 'Be Prepared', as we often say.)
A Nationalist Joke :
So, a small group of Nationalists walk into a bar and order beers, and the Leftist/degenerate owner-bartender says “We don’t serve Nationalists here. You’ll have to leave”.
So, without a word, they go out and decide to start a Nationalist pub across the street.
..Within a year it’s a great success, sourcing everything locally, composting their garbage for local CSA farms, giving discounts to bicyclists and credit-union members, offering a little lending library of nationalist-oriented books ..known throughout the city as a hub for great conversation and civic fellowship.
So, without a word, they go out and decide to start a Nationalist pub across the street.
..Within a year it’s a great success, sourcing everything locally, composting their garbage for local CSA farms, giving discounts to bicyclists and credit-union members, offering a little lending library of nationalist-oriented books ..known throughout the city as a hub for great conversation and civic fellowship.
..Three years go by, and the Nationalists have recruited the Leftist bar owner’s best White staff away from him, and structured their pub as a Workers’ Co-op. The Leftist bar-owner goes bankrupt, his wife leaves him, his so-called friends desert him, and his life is a mess.
..On the night he’s closing his place for the last time, the small group of Nationalists from years ago walk over and one says “OK then, ..Would you perhaps be OUR guest for a beer instead ?”
Well, it helps if our public discourse in Europe, America etc. clearly recognizes that imposition as predation or hegemony or imperialism ..and NOT nationalism. Right now Nationalism is being widely misrepresented, probably intentionally, as a sort of pugnacious, jingoistic hyper-patriotism. (e.g. Nicolas Negroponte's Youtube video on "nationalism".)
And there doesn't appear to be an alternative term/concept being circulated for the real basic & historical Nationalism TSIAW describes here.
3-22-12, YouTube, NationalismAndWesternSupremacy
So TSIAW, .. sounds like you might share my appreciation of Marcus Garvey, Mohandas Gandhi, and Sun Yat -sen as nationalist advocates and organizers for their respective ethno-nations.
Who among those or others would you cite as being among the ranks of the exemplary as nationalists in history?
Would you agree that our bringing up these other exemplary nationalists in our public advocacy as points of reference helps to put white nationalism in a clearer context ..
.... so that our fellow citizens can have a better understanding of 'where we're coming from' , rather than the misleading smear narrative that judeo-corporatist media tends to run?
..On the night he’s closing his place for the last time, the small group of Nationalists from years ago walk over and one says “OK then, ..Would you perhaps be OUR guest for a beer instead ?”
Well, it helps if our public discourse in Europe, America etc. clearly recognizes that imposition as predation or hegemony or imperialism ..and NOT nationalism. Right now Nationalism is being widely misrepresented, probably intentionally, as a sort of pugnacious, jingoistic hyper-patriotism. (e.g. Nicolas Negroponte's Youtube video on "nationalism".)
And there doesn't appear to be an alternative term/concept being circulated for the real basic & historical Nationalism TSIAW describes here.
3-22-12, YouTube, NationalismAndWesternSupremacy
So TSIAW, .. sounds like you might share my appreciation of Marcus Garvey, Mohandas Gandhi, and Sun Yat -sen as nationalist advocates and organizers for their respective ethno-nations.
Who among those or others would you cite as being among the ranks of the exemplary as nationalists in history?
Would you agree that our bringing up these other exemplary nationalists in our public advocacy as points of reference helps to put white nationalism in a clearer context ..
.... so that our fellow citizens can have a better understanding of 'where we're coming from' , rather than the misleading smear narrative that judeo-corporatist media tends to run?
Added 3/21/12 Wednesday
“Psychoanalysis as a Jewish-dominated intellectual movement is a central component of this war on [non-jewish] cultural supports for high-investment parenting.” --- Prof. Kevin MacDonald, ‘The Culture Of Critique’
Statue of Swiss Nationalist, Wilhelm Tell
Globalism is predatory and degenerate.
Nationalism is the cure. Nationalism is the right of self-governance of an ethno-culture, with the concomitant recognition of that right for other ethno-cultures. Nationalism is pro-peace and anti-imperialism.
And globalist judeo-corporatists hate it, because Nationalism makes it much more difficult to exploit people. Negroponte is either ignorant or a smear-monger.
3-21-12, yt,nationalismisadiseasewithnicholasnegroponte
Nationalism is the cure. Nationalism is the right of self-governance of an ethno-culture, with the concomitant recognition of that right for other ethno-cultures. Nationalism is pro-peace and anti-imperialism.
And globalist judeo-corporatists hate it, because Nationalism makes it much more difficult to exploit people. Negroponte is either ignorant or a smear-monger.
3-21-12, yt,nationalismisadiseasewithnicholasnegroponte
Added 3/19/12, Mon.
A good symbol for White Fellowship and Solidarity (except for the shading):
A video clip apparently on endangered species, breeds, and indigenous cultures about which viewers might care and sympathize (and so, perhaps their sympathies can be broadened to include 'human bio-diversity', and White ethno-cultures ?). Also a great and memorable piece of orchestral soundtrack music to 'The Last Of The Mohicans'.
Homosexuals should have no public approval/recognition of their relationships other than enforceable contracts among themselves as individuals, and should not be allowed artificial conception of children or adoption of children.
The public/community has an important interest in protecting children (who are generally unable to defend their own rights) and to guard against the predations & adverse effects of the pervert community on the general community. Consenting adults can do with each other what they like in private, however pointless, stupid, & counterproductive.
3/19/12,YT, WhatAboutHomosexual’Rights’?
The public/community has an important interest in protecting children (who are generally unable to defend their own rights) and to guard against the predations & adverse effects of the pervert community on the general community. Consenting adults can do with each other what they like in private, however pointless, stupid, & counterproductive.
3/19/12,YT, WhatAboutHomosexual’Rights’?
Oh dear, ..does the Jewish Anti-Defamation League and the SPLC etc know about law firms like this ‘Cohen and Grigsby’ and this character Lawrence Lebowitz ? As those groups presumably try to reduce anti-semitism in this country, they should probably try to curb the behavior among America’s jewish community that gives rise to it.
These ‘Corporate Predatory Parasites’ seem to feed and reinforce some of the worst ant-semitic stereotypes about disloyalty etc.
1/ 13/12, YT, PERM Fake Job Ads defraud Americans to secure green cards fo
These ‘Corporate Predatory Parasites’ seem to feed and reinforce some of the worst ant-semitic stereotypes about disloyalty etc.
1/ 13/12, YT, PERM Fake Job Ads defraud Americans to secure green cards fo
Actress Charlize Theron of South Africa should not allow her friendships with the homosexual community, or her 'difficult' early home life, or 'romantic' disappointments keep her from her responsibility to successfully mate and produce offspring. And adoption doesn't 'do it', unless childbirth is medically impossible for her.
She should skip all the degeneracy, identify a husband of roughly comparable traits to hers (like a gentleman member of an Afrikaaner or Dutch or Scandinavian Geneological Society), and birth 3 or more children.
If she doesn't get that much right, not much else matters long term.
ProNorden 2 months ago , YT ,CharlizeTheronRefusesMarriage
She should skip all the degeneracy, identify a husband of roughly comparable traits to hers (like a gentleman member of an Afrikaaner or Dutch or Scandinavian Geneological Society), and birth 3 or more children.
If she doesn't get that much right, not much else matters long term.
ProNorden 2 months ago , YT ,CharlizeTheronRefusesMarriage
There's really no reason these thugs and foreigners should be in Britain.
Might this finally prompt a reassessment in Britain of the policy of having masses of people in your country who really should be relocated to Nigeria or Liberia or something ?
Are we doing enough to reacquaint them with their ancestral homeland ?(Plan A: by Repatriation Tourism. Plan B: plastic zip-tie handcuffs and a C-5 Transport Plane) Because this clearly just isn't working out. Best wishes for their future elsewhere.
ProNorden 7 months ago,YT, PlunderingArsonistsLootersAreCriminalsNotRevolutionaries
------------------------------------Might this finally prompt a reassessment in Britain of the policy of having masses of people in your country who really should be relocated to Nigeria or Liberia or something ?
Are we doing enough to reacquaint them with their ancestral homeland ?(Plan A: by Repatriation Tourism. Plan B: plastic zip-tie handcuffs and a C-5 Transport Plane) Because this clearly just isn't working out. Best wishes for their future elsewhere.
ProNorden 7 months ago,YT, PlunderingArsonistsLootersAreCriminalsNotRevolutionaries
Added 3/16/12, Fri.
Judeo-Liberalism/Leftism has generally sought to 'normalize' and spread social dysfunction ... at least since the Frankfurt School Movement and especially since the 1960's.
3/16/12, YT, FranceConsignsMademoiselleToHistory
3/16/12, YT, FranceConsignsMademoiselleToHistory
The differentiation between married and unmarried is important for a healthy family-oriented society. The Mrs./Miss distinction was bitterly resented by unattractive, striving women, largely jewish, in America.
To be unmarried by a certain age indicates social (and biological) failure and malfunction. To obscure that fact remains a strong motivation of the judeo-feminism that has too much influence in America and Europe.
3/16/12, YT, FranceConsignesMademoiselleToHistory
The 'reform ' that SHOULD be implemented in Europe and America is to adopt different forms of address for married and unmarried MEN as well as women.
In our early days in America, an unmarried man was addressed as "Goodman ____" (as in Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown") and only upon marriage was he addressed as "Mister" (Mr.). Gdn./Mr. and Miss/Mrs. should be restored because it recognizes the importance of family and healthy social abilities.
In our early days in America, an unmarried man was addressed as "Goodman ____" (as in Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown") and only upon marriage was he addressed as "Mister" (Mr.). Gdn./Mr. and Miss/Mrs. should be restored because it recognizes the importance of family and healthy social abilities.
3/16/12, YT, FranceConsignesMademoiselleToHistory
Much of this is probably the result of 'multiculturalism', Judeo-Corporatism , and the ramifications of the degenerate 1960's.
Things can be restored in America, though.
3-16-12, YT, WeSuck!AndTheNumbersProveIt
Things can be restored in America, though.
3-16-12, YT, WeSuck!AndTheNumbersProveIt
Re Rowan Williams's Resignation as Archbishop of Canterbury to become Professor at Magdalene College, Cambridge:
The Anglican Church has a great challenge and opportunity to restore and strengthen the Anglo communion/community worldwide.
In America, citizens of English ancestry have declined pronouncedly in the last 50 years as a percentage of total population, and similarly in the influence they exert on our culture, economy, etc.
Somehow the Anglican ( or "Episcopal") Church isn't known in America for catalyzing 'big Anglo families' and strong mutual loyalty in the Anglo-American population.
No, you know what they're known for? Hemorraging money to non-Anglo recipients. And promoting degenerate adulterous perverts like Mr. Vicki G. Robinson, so-called "Bishop of New Hampshire".
The Anglican Church had better purge the powerful "Lavender Mafia" from its ranks or it will be assumed to be controlled by that organized pervert community and it will be destroyed.
The 'Way Forward' is Pro-Family Ethno-Loyalty and practical virtue.
In America, citizens of English ancestry have declined pronouncedly in the last 50 years as a percentage of total population, and similarly in the influence they exert on our culture, economy, etc.
Somehow the Anglican ( or "Episcopal") Church isn't known in America for catalyzing 'big Anglo families' and strong mutual loyalty in the Anglo-American population.
No, you know what they're known for? Hemorraging money to non-Anglo recipients. And promoting degenerate adulterous perverts like Mr. Vicki G. Robinson, so-called "Bishop of New Hampshire".
The Anglican Church had better purge the powerful "Lavender Mafia" from its ranks or it will be assumed to be controlled by that organized pervert community and it will be destroyed.
The 'Way Forward' is Pro-Family Ethno-Loyalty and practical virtue.
Put more succinctly, the Anglican Church needs as Archbishop of Canterbury a cross between Enoch Powell and Theodore Roosevelt.
Skip the “unity”; Purge the corruption.
Skip the “unity”; Purge the corruption.
Added 3/15/12
"Southern Poverty Law Center" is a smear group, and consistently anti-white and anti-traditional morality.
Sharpton and the SPLC belong on MSNBC which is the leftist gutter of media.
Sharpton and the SPLC belong on MSNBC which is the leftist gutter of media.
3/15/12,YT, WhiteNationalismShareSpotlightWithRepAtCPAC
What scares degenerate leftists is that Brimelow is a first-rate journalist with the background to prove it, and he makes a very persuasive solid case against multiculturalism ... as Britain's David Cameron, France's Sarkozy, and Germany's Angela Merkel have all now publicly acknowledged.
The United States of America was founded as a white nation ... and it should become more so than it currently is.
The United States of America was founded as a white nation ... and it should become more so than it currently is.
3/15/12,YT, WhiteNationalismShareSpotlightWithRepAtCPAC
Another excellent piece, TSIAW. Particularly impressive since you don't seem to even work from notes.
One question/concern: around 01:50 you mention that 'unless one was straight one was regarded as mentally ill'.
Well ...? Although 'mentally ill' might be a little harsh (calling to mind more pronounced disorders like schizophrenia), from a Nationalist/'very extended family' view homosexual behavior is dysfunction and a breach of the normative values of a life/family-affirming culture.
3/15/12, Nationalism,Kony&Colonialism
@Thesystemisantiwhite Perhaps you'd agree then with the Libertarian ethical approach to the homosexual/perversions topic : that nobody (not even homosexuals or nudists) is entitled to the approval of others (of either individuals or groups/states). And approval/acceptance of what many/some may find counterproductive, ludicrous, or degenerate should not be coerced by the state or anybody. And tax money shouldn't be used to propagandize on behalf of the powerful 'Lavender Mafia' community.
One question/concern: around 01:50 you mention that 'unless one was straight one was regarded as mentally ill'.
Well ...? Although 'mentally ill' might be a little harsh (calling to mind more pronounced disorders like schizophrenia), from a Nationalist/'very extended family' view homosexual behavior is dysfunction and a breach of the normative values of a life/family-affirming culture.
3/15/12, Nationalism,Kony&Colonialism
@Thesystemisantiwhite Perhaps you'd agree then with the Libertarian ethical approach to the homosexual/perversions topic : that nobody (not even homosexuals or nudists) is entitled to the approval of others (of either individuals or groups/states). And approval/acceptance of what many/some may find counterproductive, ludicrous, or degenerate should not be coerced by the state or anybody. And tax money shouldn't be used to propagandize on behalf of the powerful 'Lavender Mafia' community.
3/15/12, Nationalism,Kony&Colonialism
Nations (or "ethno-nations" if you like) are basically natural 'very extended family' ..and are hardly more of a "social construct " than is begetting offspring and having relatives.
Still, like extended family, Nations do require 'care and tending' and some work in order to be conducted well.
I don't s'pose we know this Vlogger, TheSystemIsAntiWhit'es first name , but he (TSIAW?) is excellent ..and very encouraging. Somewhat reminiscent of? the excellent advocate/journalist Mark Steyn in manner.
Deserves a bigger venue/audience.
3/15/12,YT, Nationalism And ‘Social Constructions’
Nations (or "ethno-nations" if you like) are basically natural 'very extended family' ..and are hardly more of a "social construct " than is begetting offspring and having relatives.
Still, like extended family, Nations do require 'care and tending' and some work in order to be conducted well.
I don't s'pose we know this Vlogger, TheSystemIsAntiWhit'es first name , but he (TSIAW?) is excellent ..and very encouraging. Somewhat reminiscent of? the excellent advocate/journalist Mark Steyn in manner.
Deserves a bigger venue/audience.
3/15/12,YT, Nationalism And ‘Social Constructions’
Added 3/14/12
So, eventually will we all speak American "english", while eating at MacDonald's , buying Chinese products at Walmart, listening to auto-tuned synthesizer 'music' and wallowing in the global porn culture of Manhattan/Hollywood media ...on borrowed money?
+++ Most entertainment is distracting, therefore quasi-destructive. Nationalist civic activists should know enough about a sports figure/team or two, some movies and music to have an innocuous topic to relate/engage with the 'zombies'/unengaged ..and that bring up worthwhile civic ideas to maybe spark some insight and freeing of their mind from social conditioning.
Re his other point, ‘ineffectual degeneracy’ is the other item on the short 'zionist-multicult' Menu for the otherwise un-recruited.
+++ The only foreigners in Europe should be on very temporary student-exchange and tourist visas. 'Asylum seeking' should be arranged in their region of ethnic origin.
+++ The worker-owners of a Work Co-op never send their own jobs overseas, or anyone else's.
+++ But among the comments there really is a strange element that's not 'white nationalist', strictly speaking. This "88" stuff and derogatory ethnic epithets has got to go. It's probably mostly circulated by 'false flag'/ saboteur characters who are anti-white or on the wrong payroll, and trying to make the pro-white cause look ridiculous or worse.
Meanwhile, democratic Nationalism is becoming an emerging rough consensus in this country and others ... on its merits.
3/10/12, YouTube, NCOALArizonaChapterLiteratureDistribution
Added 2/24/12
A Nationalist joke: Q: Why don't White folks smoke marijuana ? A: It might lead to littering.
Reportedly there was once an edition of some collected works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton with one of his more famous quotes embossed on the cover: "The pen is mightier than the sword."
Except there was a 'typo' problem of the space between the second and third words being omitted. Resulting in some confusion and higher-than-expected sales.
Story might be apocryphal but worth finding out.
2/22/12, YouTube, 5WorstTyposOfHistory
Except there was a 'typo' problem of the space between the second and third words being omitted. Resulting in some confusion and higher-than-expected sales.
Story might be apocryphal but worth finding out.
2/22/12, YouTube, 5WorstTyposOfHistory
A MAJOR ERROR: From 03:30 to 04:15 ,That's NOT Nationalism. It may be Chauvinism & Imperialism, and someone who's Patriotic can sadly be both. But Nationalism is the recognition & upholding of ethno-cultural nationhood, independence, & self-governance. AND the necessary implied recognition of OTHER legitimate ethno-cultural nations as well. Nationalism is ANTI-imperialist, more in keeping with a traditionalist-conservative foreign policy.
We need another word for that Imperialist Chauvinism stuff.
2/24/12,YouTube, SA@TAC,JosephSobran’sConservativeForeignPolicy
We need another word for that Imperialist Chauvinism stuff.
2/24/12,YouTube, SA@TAC,JosephSobran’sConservativeForeignPolicy
Added 2/20/12
It's unlikely that 'Youtube' is monolithic on this issue of the new restricted channel format, or on this stupid new 200-character restriction on comments.
Whoever serves on the relevant board or work group voting on these policies should be contacted to reverse the policy ... let people decide between the two formats ... and see what people prefer.Old format would win hands down I'm fairly sure.
But beyond that, Nationalists have got to make the persuasive case for Voluntary Repatriation of non-EuroAmericans. Their continents/regions of ethnic origin obviously need them ... They mostly came here for the money ('land of opportunity') and having received it, they should exercise their "Right of Return" to their own cultures and stop degrading ours.
12/11, YouTube, PatBuchananDiscussesHisBookSuicideOfASuperpower,Pt2of2
Added 2/18/12
@pinegrove33 ..Having Buchanan available at MSNBC was like having a Bible available at a whorehouse ... doesn't really go with the place, but it at least gives people the chance to consider, repent, and improve.
2/18/12, YouTube, PatBuchananOnWhyMSNBCFiredHim
It doesn't have to be a two-man interview format. Crossfire could be a four-person cross-examination by two 2-person teams (each team with a senior and junior member). e.g. Buchanan and Jack Hunter (of Daily Caller and The American Conservative) vs. Thom Hartmann and Rachel Madow.
Each presenting a question to a policy expert with follow-up, then debating.
Added Tues, 2/14/12
@theignoredgender .. One big problem, especially in America, is that when people ask about your job they're often mostly interested in assessing your socio-economic status ... which makes them 'something for which I know no polite name' (well, maybe 'mercenary' is polite enough).
I generally recommend topics of the news and civic reform ... it reflects 'core values' and potentially offers the chance they'll pitch-in with you on a good cause if they're 'the right sort'.
2/14/12, YouTube, ProblemsWithSocializing, MitchelAndWebb
My perspective on all this is somewhat different. 'Contemporary liberalism' is degenerate in its inability to address degeneracy, and both the individual and societal harm of obscenity. There is no "right to obscenity".
The history of obscenity law in the 20th century is instructive as to what different elements in society tend to favor and why. The prominent New York City obscenity publisher Al Goldstein was notably quotable describing motivations against Christianity .
2/10/12,YouTube, ondirtyvloggerconfessions
The socio-political purpose of obscenity, when it has been used as a psy-ops campaign, is to degrade and harm a population by a kind of psychological scarring. If obscenity becomes prevalent in a community, their 'social fabric'/ cohesion can be undermined largely by the induced depravity and disgust with which they come to view each other.
So, the non-campaign, non-psyops , not-so-intentional obscenity should be a matter of concern as well.
If Ron Paul establishes a Third Party (Democratic Nationalist?) and runs, he will win the support of both the Tea Party movement grass roots and the Occupy Movement ... leaving Obama and whatever pseudo-Republican to divide up the 'Corporatist Parasite' constituency (lots of money, but no real people).
1-5-12, YouTube, ExposedMediaCensorshipOfRonPaul
1. Restore the Ethno-Cultural Composition of your country. The Great Repatriation.
2. Restore the Manufacturing base of your economy with the National Tariff/Import Tax.
3. Optional Public Funding of Elections to purge Corporate Corruption.
4. Prosecute Corporate Malfeasance and recover public money.
1 /3/11, YouTube, MikePenceOnUnemployment
Problem with this 'joke' is that there's nothing to it .. except the (presumably false) premise that one group of people would hate another based on ethnicity.
It seems very un-White ..and un-Black. Was there maybe a jewish manager, agent, writer, or producer who pressured this poor fellow into promoting animosity ?
Sadly, it's been known to happen in history.
2-4-12, YouTube, funniestracistjokeAtComedycentral Roast
I generally recommend topics of the news and civic reform ... it reflects 'core values' and potentially offers the chance they'll pitch-in with you on a good cause if they're 'the right sort'.
2/14/12, YouTube, ProblemsWithSocializing, MitchelAndWebb
My perspective on all this is somewhat different. 'Contemporary liberalism' is degenerate in its inability to address degeneracy, and both the individual and societal harm of obscenity. There is no "right to obscenity".
The history of obscenity law in the 20th century is instructive as to what different elements in society tend to favor and why. The prominent New York City obscenity publisher Al Goldstein was notably quotable describing motivations against Christianity .
2/10/12,YouTube, ondirtyvloggerconfessions
The socio-political purpose of obscenity, when it has been used as a psy-ops campaign, is to degrade and harm a population by a kind of psychological scarring. If obscenity becomes prevalent in a community, their 'social fabric'/ cohesion can be undermined largely by the induced depravity and disgust with which they come to view each other.
So, the non-campaign, non-psyops , not-so-intentional obscenity should be a matter of concern as well.
If Ron Paul establishes a Third Party (Democratic Nationalist?) and runs, he will win the support of both the Tea Party movement grass roots and the Occupy Movement ... leaving Obama and whatever pseudo-Republican to divide up the 'Corporatist Parasite' constituency (lots of money, but no real people).
1-5-12, YouTube, ExposedMediaCensorshipOfRonPaul
1. Restore the Ethno-Cultural Composition of your country. The Great Repatriation.
2. Restore the Manufacturing base of your economy with the National Tariff/Import Tax.
3. Optional Public Funding of Elections to purge Corporate Corruption.
4. Prosecute Corporate Malfeasance and recover public money.
1 /3/11, YouTube, MikePenceOnUnemployment
Problem with this 'joke' is that there's nothing to it .. except the (presumably false) premise that one group of people would hate another based on ethnicity.
It seems very un-White ..and un-Black. Was there maybe a jewish manager, agent, writer, or producer who pressured this poor fellow into promoting animosity ?
Sadly, it's been known to happen in history.
2-4-12, YouTube, funniestracistjokeAtComedycentral Roast
Added 2/4/12
2/4/12, Some more of my 'You're So White..' jokes:
You're so White ... you should do everything in your power to ensure that you marry somebody of similar ethno-cultural heritage and good character as yourself and beget 3+ children by the age of 30.
You're so White ... you should make sure that all branches of your family have both a complete genealogy of the family and a thorough compilation of the positive family anecdotes going back as many generations as possible.
You're so White ..you should make sure that your family has a regional family reunion every year, and a national family reunion every five to ten years.
More of Some 'You're So White ..' jokes by a charming girl named Bryarly (who is non-Nationalist, so far as we know) on YouTube :
Some of my own 'You're So White..' jokes (2/3/12) :
You're so White, ..you probably consider it intolerably poor form to disparage the traits and behaviors of other ethno-cultures.
You're so White ..you probably cause nazis and klansmen concern as to whether they're kind and good-natured enough to be fully White.
You're so White …that you probably have a strong fondness for dogs, leaning toward retrievers, herding breeds or sled dogs ... but always end up choosing the dog from the pound that most 'needs to be saved'.
You're so White, ... you probably flash the Scout Sign in at least one of your videos .. and look natural doing it.
You're so White ... that you contribute to and/or volunteer with animal rights groups, pro-ecology/environmental causes, anti-corruption efforts, amnesty international, and groups promoting the interests of other ethnicities ... and are then sincerely surprised that almost only white folks show up to help with all but that last category of group/movement/effort.
Added 1/23/12
Sorry to restate the obvious, but what's really attractive and sexy ? Physical fitness, health, genuine enthusiasm for something(s), good character, and friendliness. But 'Manhattan'/New York finds it difficult to make money off of that.
1/9/12, YouTube, ProofThatWesternWomenAreBrainwashed
Hi Georgia, ..While it's nice to know that our judeo-american music/entertainment/media industry is having a far reach in your country .. as reflected both in your own song 'covers' ,and the general run of what you people are given to listen to on radio etc...
Any chance, just for 'diversity's' sake, of your finding out maybe one traditional folk song from each of maybe 10 counties in England ... and maybe learning a few ? It's just that none of your friends probably knows a 'west-country' song or a 'north-country' song or ....
1-5-12,YouTube, GeorgiaBuchananCommentBoard
Well, this would explain a lot.
Yet another reason we in America never used to allow 'mergers and acquisitions' among publicly chartered corporations. We reasoned that it reduced competition in an industry, caused workers to lose their jobs, and reduced variety of choice for 'consumers'.
And now M+W inform us that it also contributes to alcoholism.
Check out POCLAD.org for these facts and history of traditional standards in corporate law.
1/9/12, YouTube, MitchelandWebb,Merger
Oh dear, ..does the Jewish Anti-Defamation League and the SPLC etc know about law firms like this 'Cohen and Grigsby' and this character Lawrence Lebowitz ? As those groups presumably try to reduce anti-semitism in this country, they should probably try to curb the behavior among America's jewish community that gives rise to it.
These 'Corporate Predatory Parasites' seem to feed and reinforce some of the worst ant-semitic stereotypes about disloyalty etc.
1/9/12, YouTube, PERMFakeJobAdsDefraudAmericans
@enterthedome Leftist pseudo-intellectual degenerates (redundant, I know) like Hicks typically only have the one layer of paint covering their neurotic hostility and self-loathing ..and snobbery/ridicule is one of their usual 'defense mechanisms' when some of the 'paint' flakes off.
His words here aren't "a stupid waffle waitress" ..He says "an f-ing waffle waitress" indicating contempt for working people. Maybe he'd strayed from his Texas roots & had too much Hollywood influence.
1-22-12/, youtube, JohnCleese’sComedyHeroesPt5
Just a suggestion for 'Electoral Reform' :Should MittRomney and BarakObama be required to intersperse whatever they say at public events with "Brought to you by Goldman-Sachs Investment Bankers" ... a la the movie 'Idiocracy' ?
1-22-12 YouTube; MittRomneyExplodesWithAngerAfterLosingSouthCarolina
Given his ethno-cultural views, I'm not sure why Mel Gibson was consorting with 'Oxana' anyway ..she looks more than a little bit 'off the menu'. ('Don't go to stangers.')
And while we're disappointed by any drunken "anti-semitic rants", as the foreign-looking commentator put it, (because who wants to listen to loud angry announcements of the obvious?) ...
... Still it might be interesting to hear Mr. Gibson's sober, informed critique of 'jewish supremacism' and corruption in the media industry.
1-23-12, YouTube; MelGibson’sRacistSexistRant
@VanDoodah …You might not choose your associations partly based on ethnicity, but you have every right to if you wanted to.
If you sought to violate that right/freedom for others... you might be a Leftist/Fascist.
Check Mussolini's socialist credentials (editor of Avanti, Italy's then leading Socialist newspaper) and the Leftist violence tradition from Robespierre to Marx/Hitler/Lenin/Mao/Pol Pot /Mugabe to Winnie Mandela and this mornings newspaper coverage of Julius Malema.
Claiming patriotism doesn't make one genuinely of the Right.
9/2/11, YouTube; Mitchel&Webbkkk
A basic radical truth, Tash : you're not 'gay'/homosexual/lesbian.
And nobody is. You are, however, human ..therefore somewhat prone to a wide variety of what psychologists call 'polymorphous perversity' ..behaviors/attractions/attachments that deviate from natural function, though many are value-neutral. They become counterproductive if they keep you from the natural function of procreation & natural family ... or reinforce a bad habit ... or waste your/others' time ... or set a bad example for others ...
On the other hand, most of us men really are unattractive in looks and behavior when young.
We get better. Why not give us ..and yourself ..a fair chance ?
1-22-12,YouTube; NationalComingOutDaynatqtpie
@HeFightsForFreedom …Of course we have 'pride in our people' nowadays and always have, but it's usually the confident sort that doesn't need to go around 'following the leader' declaring slogans, proclaiming ourselves "the Chosen People" or "the Master Race/herrenvolk" and being unkindly comparative to less high-achieving communities.
White folk have a serious responsibility to set a good example of kind & ethical behavior as well as pioneering in scientific discovery & stewardship of the Earth.
@Rys2sense ..(1/3) Good question. Semi-horrifying as U.S. Family Law and its adjudication have become, we as individuals or voting community can support what we think beneficial (e.g. philanthropies, corporations, exports, synagogues, mosques..) Even when we're stupid and wrong.
The 'policy question' re Families & marriage? In the hysterically memorable words of Tim Robbins's character in 'The Hudsucker Proxy', "It's for the kids." (and, I suspect, the ladies and the votes). We (traditionally) say ..
@Rys2sense (2/3)..children are a public concern as well as your household's (partly 'cuz small kids aren't thought competent to guard their own rights) ..and we discourage/penalize parental irresponsibility, bastardy, frivolous divorce/abandonment etc...so we don't just let folks 'do their own thing' on marriage contracts. Also (traditionally) we think wives/homemakers are entitled to a level of support as they presumably do so much good without pay.(think June Cleaver/Donna Reed/Mrs.Ingalls)...
@Rys2sense (3/3).Meanwhile (traditionally) homosexual behavior is a private vice (“unhealthy friendship" as we used to say) ..sort of a hobby that's not recommended.
On marriage licenses, our standards should probably be higher, if anything.
Homosexuality is seen as masturbation 'for 2 or more players'. The analogy: if someone applied for a plumber's license because they enjoyed banging pipes together ..not actual plumbing. And while pyromania is not arson, it doesn't make one a licensed Fireman.
@dieversity201 ...It would be terrible if religion became used as the 'delivery system' of 'internalized perfectionist critique' & debilitating guilt/dissatisfaction to undermine people's initiative/drive/confidence/will. And I think I've noticed some of that happen.
Interesting to think on how widespread 'depression' of mood/behavior is in 'Western' countries, particularly the more Northern ones. And what the various influences are that might 'induce'/'contribute to' it.
8/22/11, YouTube; TedPike’sInaccurateandUnfairCriticism
While I haven't yet seen your recommendations re "What then must we do?", I urge you to avoid any association with nazism or any form of 'coercive socialism' or movements that have any tradition of encouraging hate or violence toward others (even toward criminals, 'Economic Traitors', etc.)
Our traditional legal standards/process, if advanced and applied, guard against the Predatory Parasite problem. And Nationalism should always hold the Moral High Ground.
Examples: Restore the National Tariff/ImportTax to restore manufacturing & independent agriculture. Publicly fund Clean Elections for public office to reduce corruption and Lobbyist influence.
Never let your Leftist Opposition distort and define you by their propaganda.
Leftists claim that nazis are nationalists to smear Nationalism. It's false.
Nazism was a strange aberrational mix of understandable quasi-patriotic revanchism, 'coercive socialism', strange occult mysticism, bizarre sado-homosexual elements, corporatist/ totalitarianism, and needless predatory military invasion of neighboring countries, and attempted genocide (although, to be fair, the national Socialists did first attempt to repatriate their jewish population to Palestine.)
All of that is anti-Nationalist. (except for the element of appeal to genuine patriotism).
Leftists obsess on the nazi aberration to smear and distract from the larger and noble tradition of Nationalism .... of William Tell, Bismarck, Garibaldi, Mazzini, Sun Yat Sen, Gandhi, Nehru, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams.
All the best,
When we want more anti-white 'adversarial factionalism' and subversion maybe we'll invite more of your sort.
There is precedent.