Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First Post of Some Nationalist Internet Notes

Added 1/23/12 

Amish Communities. Some of the folks Nationalists tend to particularly like.

 Sorry to restate the obvious, but what's really attractive and sexy ? Physical fitness, health, genuine enthusiasm for something(s), good character, and friendliness. But 'Manhattan'/New York finds it difficult to make money off of that.
1/9/12, YouTube, ProofThatWesternWomenAreBrainwashed

Hi Georgia, ..While it's nice to know that our judeo-american music/entertainment/media industry is having a far reach in your country .. as reflected both in your own song 'covers' ,and the general run of what you people are given to listen to on radio etc...
Any chance, just for 'diversity's' sake, of your finding out maybe one traditional folk song from each of maybe 10 counties in England  ... and maybe learning a few ? It's just that none of your friends probably knows a 'west-country' song or a 'north-country' song  or ....
1-5-12,YouTube, GeorgiaBuchananCommentBoard

 Well, this would explain a lot.
Yet another reason we in America never used to allow 'mergers and acquisitions' among publicly chartered corporations. We reasoned that it reduced competition in an industry, caused workers to lose their jobs, and reduced variety of choice for 'consumers'.
And now M+W inform us  that it also contributes to alcoholism.
Check out POCLAD.org for these facts and history of traditional standards in corporate law.
1/9/12, YouTube, MitchelandWebb,Merger

Oh dear, ..does the Jewish Anti-Defamation League  and the SPLC  etc know about law firms like this 'Cohen and Grigsby' and this character Lawrence Lebowitz ? As those groups presumably try to reduce anti-semitism in this country, they should probably try to curb the behavior  among America's jewish community that gives rise to it.
These  'Corporate Predatory Parasites' seem to feed and reinforce some of the worst ant-semitic stereotypes about disloyalty etc.
1/9/12, YouTube, PERMFakeJobAdsDefraudAmericans

 @enterthedome Leftist pseudo-intellectual degenerates (redundant, I know) like Hicks typically only have the one layer of paint covering their neurotic hostility and self-loathing ..and snobbery/ridicule is one of their usual 'defense mechanisms' when some of the 'paint' flakes off.
His words here aren't "a stupid waffle waitress" ..He says "an f-ing waffle waitress" indicating contempt for working people. Maybe he'd strayed from his Texas roots & had too much Hollywood influence.
1-22-12/, youtube, JohnCleese’sComedyHeroesPt5

Just a suggestion for 'Electoral Reform' :Should MittRomney and BarakObama be required to intersperse whatever they say at public events with "Brought to you by Goldman-Sachs Investment Bankers" ... a la the movie 'Idiocracy' ?
1-22-12 YouTube; MittRomneyExplodesWithAngerAfterLosingSouthCarolina

Given his ethno-cultural views, I'm not sure why Mel Gibson was consorting with 'Oxana' anyway ..she looks more than a little bit 'off the menu'. ('Don't go to stangers.')
And while we're disappointed by any drunken "anti-semitic rants", as the foreign-looking commentator put it, (because who wants to listen to loud angry announcements of the obvious?) ...
... Still it might be interesting to hear Mr. Gibson's sober, informed critique of 'jewish supremacism' and corruption in the media industry.
1-23-12, YouTube; MelGibson’sRacistSexistRant

@VanDoodah …You might not choose your associations partly based on ethnicity, but you have every right to if you wanted to.
If you sought to violate that right/freedom for others... you might be a Leftist/Fascist.
Check Mussolini's socialist credentials (editor of Avanti, Italy's then leading Socialist newspaper) and the Leftist violence tradition from Robespierre to Marx/Hitler/Lenin/Mao/Pol Pot /Mugabe to Winnie Mandela and this mornings newspaper coverage of Julius Malema.
Claiming patriotism doesn't make one genuinely of the Right.
9/2/11, YouTube; Mitchel&Webbkkk

A basic radical truth, Tash : you're not 'gay'/homosexual/lesbian.
And nobody is. You are, however, human ..therefore somewhat prone to a wide variety of what psychologists call 'polymorphous perversity' ..behaviors/attractions/attachments that deviate from natural function, though many are value-neutral. They become counterproductive if they keep you from the natural function of procreation & natural family ... or reinforce a bad habit ... or waste your/others' time ... or set a bad example for others ...
On the other hand, most of us men really are unattractive in looks and behavior when young.
We get better. Why not give us ..and yourself ..a fair chance ?
1-22-12,YouTube; NationalComingOutDaynatqtpie

 @HeFightsForFreedom …Of course we have 'pride in our people' nowadays and always have, but it's usually the confident sort that doesn't need to go around 'following the leader' declaring slogans, proclaiming ourselves "the Chosen People" or "the Master Race/herrenvolk" and being unkindly comparative to less high-achieving communities.
White folk have a serious responsibility to set a good example of kind & ethical behavior as well as pioneering in scientific discovery & stewardship of the Earth.

@Rys2sense ..(1/3) Good question. Semi-horrifying as U.S. Family Law and its adjudication have become, we as individuals or voting community can support what we think beneficial (e.g. philanthropies, corporations, exports, synagogues, mosques..) Even when we're stupid and wrong.
The 'policy question' re Families & marriage? In the hysterically memorable words of Tim Robbins's character in 'The Hudsucker Proxy', "It's for the kids." (and, I suspect, the ladies and the votes). We (traditionally) say ..

@Rys2sense (2/3)..children are a public concern as well as your household's (partly 'cuz small kids aren't thought competent to guard their own rights) ..and we discourage/penalize parental irresponsibility, bastardy, frivolous divorce/abandonment etc...so we don't just let folks 'do their own thing' on marriage contracts. Also (traditionally) we think wives/homemakers are entitled to a level of support as they presumably do so much good without pay.(think June Cleaver/Donna Reed/Mrs.Ingalls)...

@Rys2sense (3/3).Meanwhile (traditionally) homosexual behavior is a private vice (“unhealthy friendship" as we used to say) ..sort of a hobby that's not recommended.
On marriage licenses, our standards should probably be higher, if anything.
Homosexuality is seen as masturbation 'for 2 or more players'. The analogy: if someone applied for a plumber's license because they enjoyed banging pipes together ..not actual plumbing. And while pyromania is not arson, it doesn't make one a licensed Fireman.

@dieversity201 ...It would be terrible if religion became used as the 'delivery system' of 'internalized perfectionist critique' & debilitating guilt/dissatisfaction to undermine people's initiative/drive/confidence/will. And I think I've noticed some of that happen.
Interesting to think on how widespread 'depression' of mood/behavior is in 'Western' countries, particularly the more Northern ones. And what the various influences are that might 'induce'/'contribute to' it.
8/22/11, YouTube; TedPike’sInaccurateandUnfairCriticism

While I haven't yet seen your recommendations re "What then must we do?", I urge you to avoid any association with nazism or any form of 'coercive socialism' or movements that have any tradition of encouraging hate or violence toward others (even toward criminals, 'Economic Traitors', etc.)
Our traditional legal standards/process, if advanced and applied, guard against the Predatory Parasite problem. And Nationalism should always hold the Moral High Ground.
Examples: Restore the National Tariff/ImportTax to restore manufacturing & independent agriculture. Publicly fund Clean Elections for public office to reduce corruption and Lobbyist influence.
Never let your Leftist Opposition distort and define you by their propaganda.
Leftists claim that nazis are nationalists to smear Nationalism. It's false.
Nazism was a strange aberrational mix of understandable quasi-patriotic revanchism, 'coercive socialism', strange occult mysticism, bizarre sado-homosexual elements, corporatist/ totalitarianism, and needless predatory military invasion of neighboring countries, and attempted genocide (although, to be fair, the national Socialists did first attempt to repatriate their jewish population to Palestine.)
All of that is anti-Nationalist. (except for the element of appeal to genuine patriotism).
Leftists obsess on the nazi aberration to smear and distract from the larger and noble tradition of Nationalism .... of William Tell, Bismarck, Garibaldi, Mazzini, Sun Yat Sen, Gandhi, Nehru, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams.
All the best,

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