Tuesday, August 21, 2012

10th Post of Some of My Nationalist Internet Notes

Added  Tuesday,  April/17/12

                Sir Enoch Powell, MBE (6/1912- 2/1998) a British leader that Nationalists tend to favor.

 'Loyalty to one's own, and justice for all.'
4/14/12, YT, MyTramExperience,.Woman

 @DanHannanMEP Do you s'pose maybe the purpose of your economy and companies shouldn't be to increase profits to non-working people?
 Do the economic metrics of your nation account for the 'full costing' of damage done to the habitats of other species ?
What do you think the right purposes/goals are for economic activity of your Nation & species? Is "growth" maybe a bad idolatry?
 4/16/12, Twitter
 While I  believe that Pro-White advocates should be prepared to make the 'right of Nationhood/self-determination' case and the 'biodiversity of breeds' case,  another important advocacy focus is the goal/paradigm of White Nation Progress and Fellowship.
White Nation Progress is the 'paradigm'/goal of developing the Economy and Culture most conducive to our nature.  It's the cultural-economic paradigm of Natural Affinity informed by Tradition.
 It's sort of the cultural-economic paradigm of  ...'Crunchy Conservatives' by Rod Dreher/ 'Stuff White People Like' by Christian Lander/ Nationalist Economics of Tariff Import Tax and Worker Co-operatives/ Amish-to-Menonite Agrarianism/ Norse 'Thing' governance/ Anglo-American Constitutional Democracy/ Anglo-Saxon  Common Law of EdwardCoke to LearnedHand/ Swiss 'armed peacefulness' ..the pro-Peace of mutual Protectors against predators / Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) groups/ Rod & Gun Clubs/ Voluntary Eugenics of further developing traits of health,  abilities, intelligence, kindness, fortitude, etc. / Pro-Ecology 'Sustainable' Economics of 'Distributism - Localism-Decentralism' & E. F. Schumacher /the J.RR. Tolkien rural idyl of 'shire'/ the Pro-Family attachments of Family-Clan-Tribe-Nation/ Anarcho-democratic traditions of Do It Yourself (DIY) Movement and Bicycle Co-ops/ the Tradition of Exploration and Discovery/ the Tradition of Learning/  Ecological Stewardship & Animal Rights/ Traditional values of Natural Family /Pro-Family Culture of Courtship and Mating-Marriage/ Self-Determination of ethno-Nationhood/ ..etc.
It's a 'rough consensus' of natural affinity toward a life-affirming White Nationalist culture that can be  ... highly motivating and engendering dedication ... and active Fellowship.
4/17/12, OccidentalQuarterly, ‘WhitePreservationismIsDead’

 Re the 'kosher fees' paid by your family's business, and others by all of us indirectly to the jewish groups. Consider also the restaurant/food service industry ... the largest industry in America in terms of employment.
Who receives what fees for the various certifications and permitting required to do business in that field? And so what supply services tend to be used and what are 'displaced'? And how much is 'kosher'-related? .. to be able to do business serving the 'general public'.
4/17/12,YT, What’sBehindTheKosherScam?
 Many of our employers, supervisors and 'cultural arbiters' seem fairly clear and supportive of racial identity when they meet on Saturday at Synagogue.
4/15/12, YT, RaceExistsGetUsedToIt
 The only foreigners in Britain or Europe should be on very temporary student-exchange or tourist visas.
'To each his own.' 'Don't go to strangers'. 'Vive le difference'.
Voluntary Repatriation Campaign & Incentives generally Now.
Mandatory Repatriation of criminals/illegals Now.
4/15/12, YT, Young,BritishAndAngryPt1
It's a racist anti-white policy to flood Britain and Europe with foreigners, and it's probably  intended to displace, undermine our indigenous population. A self-respecting nation has more mutual loyalty than that. Identify the subversive element in your country that has been promoting that quasi-genocidal, anti-white policy, and remove it.
Voluntary Repatriation Incentives generally Now.
Mandatory Repatriation for Criminal Cases Now.

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