Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Third Post of Some of My Nationalist Internet Notes

Added 2/20/12
It's unlikely that 'Youtube' is monolithic on this issue of the new restricted channel format, or on this stupid new 200-character restriction on comments.
Whoever serves on the relevant board or work group voting on these policies should be contacted to reverse the policy ... let people decide between the two formats ... and see what people prefer.
Old format would win hands down I'm fairly sure.
There's little reason for White Americans to not greatly increase the number of children they raise. Not just averaging 3+, but 5 to 7.
But beyond that, Nationalists have got to make the persuasive case for Voluntary Repatriation of non-EuroAmericans. Their continents/regions of ethnic origin obviously need them ... They mostly came here for the money ('land of opportunity') and having received it, they should exercise their "Right of Return" to their own cultures and stop degrading ours.
12/11, YouTube, PatBuchananDiscussesHisBookSuicideOfASuperpower,Pt2of2

@ForgottenEasternJews While your (typical?) attempt at 'divide and conquer' is appreciated, it seems unlikely to work in this case ...because Euro-Americans/ White Christians do have a high degree of ethno-cultural coherence, even if America has and will exercise its right to set policy as to what immigration ethno-composition we favor.
When we want more anti-white 'adversarial factionalism' and subversion maybe we'll invite more of your sort.
There is precedent.
2/20/12, Ibid.
Added 2/18/12 
 @pinegrove33 ..Having Buchanan available at MSNBC was like having a Bible available at a whorehouse ... doesn't really go with the place, but it at least gives people the chance to consider, repent, and improve.
2/18/12, YouTube,  PatBuchananOnWhyMSNBCFiredHim 

 Buchanan should buy the rights to Crossfire and restore it. Kinsley was a sharp liberal advocate then but I don't know what he's doing now.
It doesn't have to be a two-man interview format. Crossfire could be a four-person cross-examination by two 2-person teams (each team with a senior and junior member). e.g. Buchanan and Jack Hunter (of Daily Caller and The American Conservative) vs. Thom Hartmann and Rachel Madow.
Each presenting a question to a policy expert with follow-up, then debating.
Added Tues, 2/14/12
@theignoredgender .. One big problem, especially in America, is that when people ask about your job they're often mostly interested in assessing your socio-economic status ... which makes them 'something for which I know no polite name' (well, maybe 'mercenary' is polite enough).
I generally recommend topics of the news and civic reform ... it reflects 'core values' and potentially offers the chance they'll pitch-in with you on a good cause if they're 'the right sort'.
2/14/12, YouTube, ProblemsWithSocializing, MitchelAndWebb

 My perspective on all this is somewhat different. 'Contemporary liberalism' is degenerate in its inability to address degeneracy, and both the individual and societal harm of obscenity. There is no "right to obscenity".
The history of obscenity law in the 20th century is instructive as to what different elements in society tend to favor and why. The prominent New York City obscenity publisher Al Goldstein was notably quotable describing motivations against Christianity .
 2/10/12,YouTube, ondirtyvloggerconfessions

The socio-political purpose of obscenity, when it has been used as a psy-ops campaign, is to degrade and harm a population by a kind of psychological scarring. If obscenity becomes prevalent in a community, their 'social fabric'/ cohesion can be undermined largely by the induced depravity and disgust with which they come to view each other.
So, the non-campaign, non-psyops , not-so-intentional obscenity should be a matter of concern as well.

 If Ron Paul establishes a Third Party (Democratic Nationalist?) and runs, he will win the support of both the Tea Party movement grass roots and the Occupy Movement ... leaving Obama and whatever pseudo-Republican to divide up the 'Corporatist Parasite' constituency (lots of money, but no real people).
1-5-12, YouTube, ExposedMediaCensorshipOfRonPaul

1. Restore the Ethno-Cultural Composition of your country. The Great Repatriation.
2. Restore the Manufacturing base of your economy with the National Tariff/Import Tax.
3. Optional Public Funding of Elections to purge Corporate Corruption.
4. Prosecute Corporate Malfeasance and recover public money.
1 /3/11, YouTube, MikePenceOnUnemployment

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