Tuesday, August 21, 2012

11th Post of Some of My Nationalist Internet Notes

Added  Thursday, May 3, 20012

 InterNational Hostelling : A Cultural Exchange, Peace,  & Travel Movement
that Nationalists have tended to favor.
  So, 'Multiculturalism' has been advocated/propagated in Australia, Europe, and my country, America.
By Whom, do you suppose? And Why? Do you s'pose it’s some group/community of "Australians" or New Zealanders, traveling around the world promoting/organizing/lobbying for 'multiculturalism', the flood of foreigners, into Europe and America ?
Probably not.
Who then?
Well, Whoever it is should probably be kicked out of Australia, Europe, America, Russia, etc.
There may be historical precedent.
4-28-12, yt, 60Minutes:EDLTommyRobinsonOnIslamicExtremism(60Minutes,Australia)

         Way To Go,  Mr. Griffin & the BNP in restoring the celebration of England's St. George's Day.
Good policies too, advocating to restore British sovereignty/self-governance, restore Britain's productive economy/manufacturing base with Worker Co-ops, and restore Britain's ethno-cultural composition & coherence.
Those opposing the BNP are mostly temporarily brainwashed into anti-white 'multiculturalism' by degenerate corporatists.
If you can appreciate someone Pakistani being pro-Pakistani, you should support the BNP's view.
       Interesting to think on what observances might become part of the St.George's Day Tradition. Along with "flying the flag and enjoying yourselves", any particular readings or recitations? Folk sing-alongs? Any tree-plantings or group community tasks? (Community clean-ups might have a certain symbolic weight plus being good fellowship before hitting the pub or community pot-luck supper.)
4-28-12, yt, ‘OurDay’-St.George’sDay
         The 'substantive diversity' mentioned around 12:20 is symbolized in the foods the host refers to, but is lived-out and expressed in the literature, thought, inventions, enterprise, statutes and common law, public discourse, and family life of a nation.
Overly-centralized media across borders has tended to overly homogenize/Americanize much of the public discourse.
But that can be changed.
4-28-12, yt, PositiveNationalism

    I suppose if we're going to experiment with 'Multiculturalism'/ 'large scale foreign immigration' at all, it should be in a non-white country, ..perhaps a smaller one of fairly recent creation ..like Israel ..where Africans, Asians, SouthAmericans, & Islamics can all be made full citizens.
So, if Israel first adopts 'large-scale foreign immigration' successfully over the next 50 years, maybe other countries can then consider it.
Strange 'multicult' advocates haven't pushed for this before ?

 The problem isn't so much the 'Islamists'.  It's the sort of people who arranged for them and other foreigners to be granted citizenship in your country.
As though they might want to predictably pit you against each other.
"Paxman"? Odd sort of name ...What part of the world is that from?
4-28-12,yt, JeremyPaxmanInAmazementAtEDLLeaderStephenLennon
           Andrew Neil appears to be a corporatist anti-British meat puppet.
Griffin gives good, clear answers here to basically smear/attack questions and badgering interruption by an unprofessional degenerate.
Neil avoids/evades the broader substantive policy agenda of the BNP which is to restore British sovereignty/self-governance, restore Britain's productive economy/manufacturing base, and restore Britain's ethno-cultural composition and coherence.
Go BNP.: 'Pro-Family, Stewardship, and Fair Trade'
4-28-12,YT, NickGriffinDailyPoliticsWithAndrewNeil

         Judeo-Leftists such as Dan Savage might be using homosexuality/perversion culture as a factional dividing tactic in the general culture against Whites, much as they are often said to use other ethnic/gender factionalisms (e.g. anti-male 'feminism') to 'divide and rule'.
Examine your media, finance, academic, and political fields with a critical eye on this point.
         Religious texts etc. aside, homosexuality is a neurotic, maladaptive, often temporary behavior. Problem is it's been politicized by 'homofascists' who've made a sort of cult industry of it, & can't stand to hear the evidence & reasoning against counterproductive perversions.
         Homosexuality is basically ludicrous masturbation for 2 or more players, accomplishes nothing good, & may be a very bad influence on others.
And it's basically anti-social 'hetero-phobia'.
4-29-12, DanSavageDiscussesBibleAtHighSchoolJournalismConvention

 Edelweiss: Some flora that Nationalists tend to like.
The 'individual harm' argument/concern re homosexuality/"gay marriage" is basically that private fetishes are detrimental especially if they keep you from courtship and (real) marriage and family .. and shouldn't receive any public support as it sets a bad example/influence.
Learning to love members of the opposite sex is literally 'vital' psychological maturity that shouldn't be undermined.
'Social harm' argument is that the politicized perversion community is fascist in its tactics and factional/anti-social in its effect ...
       Some good places to start for facts & reasoning against the homofascists are Defend The Family.com & NARTH.com. Defend The Family's list of links are great.
The 'drawback/harm of same-sex marriage' arguments are mostly along the lines of 'giving public approval to psycho/social dysfunction' and the sheer social costs of imposing on others (insurance companies, employers, etc.) a ludicrous legal definition they'd not likely accept voluntarily, & bad influence on kids given cultural variability.
4-21-12, YT,IfyouopposeHomosexualmarriageYouAreLabeledAnExtremist.

        As for what you call 'economically left wing', the Economics of National Loyalty are traditional and conservative, e.g. the first law enacted in America after we established our Constitution was the Tariff Import Tax ..to become economically independent of Europe, & self-sufficient. Within 15 years we were.
The depredations of 'maximizing shareholder value' of 'free trade' zombies is what we used to call 'Manchester Liberalism' and is traditionally known as overly abstract and destructive.
        Further, I would expect that the BNP favors Worker Coops as well as the Tariff Import Tax to guard against Predatory Trade by foreigners and against Economic Treason domestically.
No coercive socialism (i.e.'Left-wing economically') in all that.
On social/cultural issues the BNP is consistently 'Pro-Family' (traditional 'show cause' standard for divorce; Natural definition of marriage; Opposing unnecessary abortion) as would expect Hannan is ..and opposed to giving citizenship to foreigners?
4/21/12,yt, TheNewRoadToSerfdom,

Unlikely that leftist degenerates like Sean Lock would ever dare oppose their 'Multicultural' judeo-Corporatist overlords.
Provides an insight into the vicious hatred 'humor' of the self-hating White leftist. The Stockholm Syndrome of those who've 'internalized their oppression', 'identify with their oppressor' ..and lash-out at those who advocate & advance their freedom.
Sean Lock leftists roughly = Roman slaves hating Spartacus, 'House slaves' in the antebellum U.S. South who hated Nat Turner or John Brown, and jews that reportedly denounced Moses for bringing them out of Egypt.
Leftists are Sick stuff.
4/18/12, YT,  SeanLock-NickGriffin&theBNP

1 comment:

  1. I've sometimes wondered why nobody leaves a comment on any of these notes, even though the ProNorden Blog gets a fair number of views/visitors/readers.
    I do look forward to people's comments, and thought I'd get things started with this one.
