Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Nationalist Notes from my earlier Channel Description on YouTube (back when their format allowed for a reasonable amount of text.)

'Loyalty to one's own, & fairness for all.'

Anti-"supremacism" of any kind, whether asian, black, hispanic, jewish, or white. Anti-oppression.
Tend to favor White Independence in Europe, Russia, Australia/NewZealand, NorthAmerica, & some small part of Africa and South America. And the preservation of Indigenous Cultures generally.

"The Nationalist Movement is 'Independence, Stewardship, & Peace'"

Check out: http://www.NPIamerica.org ...
and http://www.VDare.com
and http://Buchanan.org/blog

'Benevolent Goals By Ethical Means.'

'As Protectors, we are pro-peace and peaceful, not pacifists.'

The British National Party has merit.

'Genuine Nationalists don't use derogatory ethnic terms or advocate the unnecessary use of force. 'Provocateurs'/false agents/saboteurs/ and dupes do routinely.'

'General Voluntary Repatriation Incentives Now.'
'Mandatory Repatriation/Exile in Criminal Cases Now.'

'Democratic Nationalism' is sort of redundant, as democracy is needed to express the views of a people/Nation.

'Stop Economic Treason by Corporate Parasites.'

Corporatists are not Conservative. Degenerate Leftists are not Progressive.

'Clean Elections' laws/ 'Optional Public Funding of Elections' is an important Anti-Corruption measure.

A largely Agrarian Economy may be best. For an extreme but successful current example, consider the Amish.

Your economy's Composition and Circulation are a lot more important than it's GNP/GDP or 'growth'.

Voluntary Eugenics is a good & important idea.

America Forever. Britain Forever.

'Buy Local. Buy British.'

'Support the National Tariff / Import Tax for Fair Trade and to Restore Our Manufacturing'

'Who owns our country's American/British companies?'

'What do you support when you buy things ? '

'Britain has a Foreigner Problem.'

Predation, whether social, economic or physical, seems to be one of the main pathologies of humans.

'Britain has a loyalty problem' among her 'leadership community'.

'Leftists are fascists, & vice versa.'

    The only foreigners in Europe should be on very temporary student-exchange and tourist visas. 'Asylum seeking' should be arranged in their region of ethnic origin.

  The worker-owners of a Worker Co-op never send their own jobs overseas, or anyone else's.

Go BNP. Go Nationalist.
'Pro-Family, Stewardship, & Fair Trade.'

Membership in any American Nationalist party should be 'by invitation only', and revocable.

Nationalists generally favor a Constitutional Democratic Republic to best reflect citizens' character and choices, and economic Distributism.
Please check-out the following exemplary efforts:

National Public Radio's ' Living On Earth' :

PaxWorld Mutual Funds for Ethical Investment :

Cultural Survival : group organizing to protect Indigenous Cultures

Equal Exchange Work Co-op , 'Fair Trade' products from exemplary worker-owners

Stoneyfield Farm Organic farming products with related videos (includes von Trapp family farm in Vermont.)

The homosexual/gay movement is largely about subverting the legitimate process of government, in order to force others to give public benefits/approval to homosexual degeneracy.

The unnecessary intentional killing of any innocent creature is some degree of murder.
Unnecessary intentional harm to any sentient being is unethical.
The use of reasonable force in defense of the innocent is authorized, regardless of whether public employees agree or not.
Please see the documentary movie, 'The Cove'.

Check out 'Distributism', 'Producerism', and 'Worker Co-ops' on Wikipedia.

'Each Nation should be its own best market first.'

'Predatory speculation is not Investment.'

Q: What are a Nationalist's favorite industry/economic sectors?
A: Recycling, Repair, Independent Organic Farming, and Eco-Manufacturing. And Work Co-ops always.

Q: What's a Nationalist's favorite architecture & construction?
A: Restoration, and Rehab for new use.

Important that Britain and other Northern Nations restore their manufacturing, farming & real productive economy.
At the same time, manufacturing jobs/careers should be 'enhanced' to be more engaging and worthwhile, not 'wage slavery'. More Work Co-ops.

Northern Nations need stronger identity, cultural coherence, & mutual allegiance.
 A Nation's 'Ethno-Culture' is of crucial importance.

If humans have an 'Intended Purpose', it's probably to 'Protect & Discover Creation'.
What we do and have done to our innocent fellow creatures is a fair standard for Judgment.

"The greatness of a Nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
--- Mahatma Gandhi

Folk music, guitar, sailing, hiking, tennis. InterNational Hostelling. FairTrade Investing. Work Co-ops. Preservation of Animals, Habitats, and Indigenous Cultures.  Fathers' Rights.

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