Friday, November 9, 2012

12th Post Of Some Of My Nationalist Internet Notes

Cromwell :  A movie favored by many Nationalists. With Richard Harris as Cromwell and Alec Guiness as Charles I. (Video clips are on YouTube)

 What public and philanthropic funding and publicity has there been for Voluntary Repatriation Programs (VRP's)?
9/8/11, Bulletin N. Question.

I sometimes wonder how many of the nazi or ku kluxklannish groups are 'false flag' operations controlled by the Leftist Opposition to smear/discredit Nationalism and white fellowship.

@EvilRadiatedMonkey Admittedly Hitler and Mussolini dressed the 'coercive socialism'/'totalitarian ideology' /'new socialist man' stuff up a bit with some appeals to patriotism, nostalgic glory, and some pro-family rhetoric.
But their opposition to /persecution of other socialist/statist groups was to defeat other similar violent statist/semi-totalitarian political/ideological cult competitors. Rather like Stalinists vs. ('quick! duck!, oh dear!') Trotsky, or ISO vs. Sparticist Youth League.

@VanDoodah   Mussolini was a lifelong socialist and never rejected it .. Fascism merely became his preferred form of Socialism. So said all his Leftist  fellow-travelers in the intellectual/writing community in Britain and America from aprox 1920 to 1938. Much the same crowd as swooned for Stalin ('Uncle Joe' as Franklin Roosevelt called him.)
In the 20's and 30's Communists, Nazis & other violent Leftist groups attacked each other in the streets like whores fighting over the same street corner.
9/2, mitchel&Webb-kkk

Never let your Leftist Opposition distort and define you by their propaganda.
Leftists claim that nazis are nationalists to smear Nationalism. It's false.
Nazism was a strange aberrational mix of  understandable quasi-patriotic revanchism,  'coercive socialism',  strange occult mysticism, bizarre sado-homosexual elements, corporatist/totalitarianism, and needless predatory military invasion of neighboring countries, and attempted genocide (although, to be fair, the National Socialists did first attempt to repatriate their jewish population to Palestine.)
All of that is anti-Nationalist. (except for the element of appeal to genuine patriotism).
Leftists obsess on the nazi aberration to smear and distract from the larger and noble tradition of Nationalism .... of William Tell, Bismarck, Garibaldi, Mazzini, Sun Yat Sen, Gandhi, Nehru, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams.

Gandhi : Another movie often favored by Nationalists. With Ben Kingsley as Gandhi. (Video clips are on YouTube.)

@HeFightsForFreedom      Aside from the extreme but encouraging Amish example, ...throughout Europe there is a growing recognition that foreigners/non-europeans shouldn't be citizens of European nations.
Again, that can and should be a good-natured and ethical and effective approach to policy ...If it isn't blended with any harsh Leftist/authoritarian fanaticisms.

Well, we Europeans in general might not make for attractive Africans or Asians (just different, non-comparable aesthetic standards), but we're usually reasonably good-looking by White standards, if we're physically fit, healthy ..and actually European in ancestry.
The physiognomy of  good character usually helps over time as well.
8/25/11, whyareirishpeoplesougly

 @winglessblog ... Here's my recollection of the traditional/accurate definition of 'terrorism' : 'violence/attacks against non-combatants in order to gain a political objective.'  This probably includes the war tactic of seige/forced starvation etc.
Feel free to disagree if you don't mind being wrong .. but then you might have to consider your motivation for choosing to be wrong. And the unethical policies/tactics of some nations crumble and fall when they really 'consider their ways'.
 .9/2/11,TheHypocrisyofAnimalRightsActivists, Mitchel and Webb

 Restore the National Tariff/ Import Tax.
Predatory Parasites hate it, but it's our traditional trade policy when we've been actually pro-worker, pro-industry and building a productive economy.
The Predatory Parasite community has infiltrated and influenced public policy-making too much in the last 50 years.
Also, if they're manufacturing mostly overseas, then they're not an American company their Corporate Charter ..or they can repent.
Don't let the Predatory Parasite Community run your media, finance, academia and public policy making.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Encouraging National Identity among European Youth

National Identity and Cultural Coherence and Mutual Loyalty ... what a good idea !

Foreigner Repatriation Incentive Programs , now.
Mandatory Foreigner Repatriation/Exile for criminal cases.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Nationalist Notes from my earlier Channel Description on YouTube (back when their format allowed for a reasonable amount of text.)

'Loyalty to one's own, & fairness for all.'

Anti-"supremacism" of any kind, whether asian, black, hispanic, jewish, or white. Anti-oppression.
Tend to favor White Independence in Europe, Russia, Australia/NewZealand, NorthAmerica, & some small part of Africa and South America. And the preservation of Indigenous Cultures generally.

"The Nationalist Movement is 'Independence, Stewardship, & Peace'"

Check out: ...

'Benevolent Goals By Ethical Means.'

'As Protectors, we are pro-peace and peaceful, not pacifists.'

The British National Party has merit.

'Genuine Nationalists don't use derogatory ethnic terms or advocate the unnecessary use of force. 'Provocateurs'/false agents/saboteurs/ and dupes do routinely.'

'General Voluntary Repatriation Incentives Now.'
'Mandatory Repatriation/Exile in Criminal Cases Now.'

'Democratic Nationalism' is sort of redundant, as democracy is needed to express the views of a people/Nation.

'Stop Economic Treason by Corporate Parasites.'

Corporatists are not Conservative. Degenerate Leftists are not Progressive.

'Clean Elections' laws/ 'Optional Public Funding of Elections' is an important Anti-Corruption measure.

A largely Agrarian Economy may be best. For an extreme but successful current example, consider the Amish.

Your economy's Composition and Circulation are a lot more important than it's GNP/GDP or 'growth'.

Voluntary Eugenics is a good & important idea.

America Forever. Britain Forever.

'Buy Local. Buy British.'

'Support the National Tariff / Import Tax for Fair Trade and to Restore Our Manufacturing'

'Who owns our country's American/British companies?'

'What do you support when you buy things ? '

'Britain has a Foreigner Problem.'

Predation, whether social, economic or physical, seems to be one of the main pathologies of humans.

'Britain has a loyalty problem' among her 'leadership community'.

'Leftists are fascists, & vice versa.'

    The only foreigners in Europe should be on very temporary student-exchange and tourist visas. 'Asylum seeking' should be arranged in their region of ethnic origin.

  The worker-owners of a Worker Co-op never send their own jobs overseas, or anyone else's.

Go BNP. Go Nationalist.
'Pro-Family, Stewardship, & Fair Trade.'

Membership in any American Nationalist party should be 'by invitation only', and revocable.

Nationalists generally favor a Constitutional Democratic Republic to best reflect citizens' character and choices, and economic Distributism.
Please check-out the following exemplary efforts:

National Public Radio's ' Living On Earth' :

PaxWorld Mutual Funds for Ethical Investment :

Cultural Survival : group organizing to protect Indigenous Cultures

Equal Exchange Work Co-op , 'Fair Trade' products from exemplary worker-owners

Stoneyfield Farm Organic farming products with related videos (includes von Trapp family farm in Vermont.)

The homosexual/gay movement is largely about subverting the legitimate process of government, in order to force others to give public benefits/approval to homosexual degeneracy.

The unnecessary intentional killing of any innocent creature is some degree of murder.
Unnecessary intentional harm to any sentient being is unethical.
The use of reasonable force in defense of the innocent is authorized, regardless of whether public employees agree or not.
Please see the documentary movie, 'The Cove'.

Check out 'Distributism', 'Producerism', and 'Worker Co-ops' on Wikipedia.

'Each Nation should be its own best market first.'

'Predatory speculation is not Investment.'

Q: What are a Nationalist's favorite industry/economic sectors?
A: Recycling, Repair, Independent Organic Farming, and Eco-Manufacturing. And Work Co-ops always.

Q: What's a Nationalist's favorite architecture & construction?
A: Restoration, and Rehab for new use.

Important that Britain and other Northern Nations restore their manufacturing, farming & real productive economy.
At the same time, manufacturing jobs/careers should be 'enhanced' to be more engaging and worthwhile, not 'wage slavery'. More Work Co-ops.

Northern Nations need stronger identity, cultural coherence, & mutual allegiance.
 A Nation's 'Ethno-Culture' is of crucial importance.

If humans have an 'Intended Purpose', it's probably to 'Protect & Discover Creation'.
What we do and have done to our innocent fellow creatures is a fair standard for Judgment.

"The greatness of a Nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
--- Mahatma Gandhi

Folk music, guitar, sailing, hiking, tennis. InterNational Hostelling. FairTrade Investing. Work Co-ops. Preservation of Animals, Habitats, and Indigenous Cultures.  Fathers' Rights.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

11th Post of Some of My Nationalist Internet Notes

Added  Thursday, May 3, 20012

 InterNational Hostelling : A Cultural Exchange, Peace,  & Travel Movement
that Nationalists have tended to favor.
  So, 'Multiculturalism' has been advocated/propagated in Australia, Europe, and my country, America.
By Whom, do you suppose? And Why? Do you s'pose it’s some group/community of "Australians" or New Zealanders, traveling around the world promoting/organizing/lobbying for 'multiculturalism', the flood of foreigners, into Europe and America ?
Probably not.
Who then?
Well, Whoever it is should probably be kicked out of Australia, Europe, America, Russia, etc.
There may be historical precedent.
4-28-12, yt, 60Minutes:EDLTommyRobinsonOnIslamicExtremism(60Minutes,Australia)

         Way To Go,  Mr. Griffin & the BNP in restoring the celebration of England's St. George's Day.
Good policies too, advocating to restore British sovereignty/self-governance, restore Britain's productive economy/manufacturing base with Worker Co-ops, and restore Britain's ethno-cultural composition & coherence.
Those opposing the BNP are mostly temporarily brainwashed into anti-white 'multiculturalism' by degenerate corporatists.
If you can appreciate someone Pakistani being pro-Pakistani, you should support the BNP's view.
       Interesting to think on what observances might become part of the St.George's Day Tradition. Along with "flying the flag and enjoying yourselves", any particular readings or recitations? Folk sing-alongs? Any tree-plantings or group community tasks? (Community clean-ups might have a certain symbolic weight plus being good fellowship before hitting the pub or community pot-luck supper.)
4-28-12, yt, ‘OurDay’-St.George’sDay
         The 'substantive diversity' mentioned around 12:20 is symbolized in the foods the host refers to, but is lived-out and expressed in the literature, thought, inventions, enterprise, statutes and common law, public discourse, and family life of a nation.
Overly-centralized media across borders has tended to overly homogenize/Americanize much of the public discourse.
But that can be changed.
4-28-12, yt, PositiveNationalism

    I suppose if we're going to experiment with 'Multiculturalism'/ 'large scale foreign immigration' at all, it should be in a non-white country, ..perhaps a smaller one of fairly recent creation Israel ..where Africans, Asians, SouthAmericans, & Islamics can all be made full citizens.
So, if Israel first adopts 'large-scale foreign immigration' successfully over the next 50 years, maybe other countries can then consider it.
Strange 'multicult' advocates haven't pushed for this before ?

 The problem isn't so much the 'Islamists'.  It's the sort of people who arranged for them and other foreigners to be granted citizenship in your country.
As though they might want to predictably pit you against each other.
"Paxman"? Odd sort of name ...What part of the world is that from?
4-28-12,yt, JeremyPaxmanInAmazementAtEDLLeaderStephenLennon
           Andrew Neil appears to be a corporatist anti-British meat puppet.
Griffin gives good, clear answers here to basically smear/attack questions and badgering interruption by an unprofessional degenerate.
Neil avoids/evades the broader substantive policy agenda of the BNP which is to restore British sovereignty/self-governance, restore Britain's productive economy/manufacturing base, and restore Britain's ethno-cultural composition and coherence.
Go BNP.: 'Pro-Family, Stewardship, and Fair Trade'
4-28-12,YT, NickGriffinDailyPoliticsWithAndrewNeil

         Judeo-Leftists such as Dan Savage might be using homosexuality/perversion culture as a factional dividing tactic in the general culture against Whites, much as they are often said to use other ethnic/gender factionalisms (e.g. anti-male 'feminism') to 'divide and rule'.
Examine your media, finance, academic, and political fields with a critical eye on this point.
         Religious texts etc. aside, homosexuality is a neurotic, maladaptive, often temporary behavior. Problem is it's been politicized by 'homofascists' who've made a sort of cult industry of it, & can't stand to hear the evidence & reasoning against counterproductive perversions.
         Homosexuality is basically ludicrous masturbation for 2 or more players, accomplishes nothing good, & may be a very bad influence on others.
And it's basically anti-social 'hetero-phobia'.
4-29-12, DanSavageDiscussesBibleAtHighSchoolJournalismConvention

 Edelweiss: Some flora that Nationalists tend to like.
The 'individual harm' argument/concern re homosexuality/"gay marriage" is basically that private fetishes are detrimental especially if they keep you from courtship and (real) marriage and family .. and shouldn't receive any public support as it sets a bad example/influence.
Learning to love members of the opposite sex is literally 'vital' psychological maturity that shouldn't be undermined.
'Social harm' argument is that the politicized perversion community is fascist in its tactics and factional/anti-social in its effect ...
       Some good places to start for facts & reasoning against the homofascists are Defend The & Defend The Family's list of links are great.
The 'drawback/harm of same-sex marriage' arguments are mostly along the lines of 'giving public approval to psycho/social dysfunction' and the sheer social costs of imposing on others (insurance companies, employers, etc.) a ludicrous legal definition they'd not likely accept voluntarily, & bad influence on kids given cultural variability.
4-21-12, YT,IfyouopposeHomosexualmarriageYouAreLabeledAnExtremist.

        As for what you call 'economically left wing', the Economics of National Loyalty are traditional and conservative, e.g. the first law enacted in America after we established our Constitution was the Tariff Import Tax become economically independent of Europe, & self-sufficient. Within 15 years we were.
The depredations of 'maximizing shareholder value' of 'free trade' zombies is what we used to call 'Manchester Liberalism' and is traditionally known as overly abstract and destructive.
        Further, I would expect that the BNP favors Worker Coops as well as the Tariff Import Tax to guard against Predatory Trade by foreigners and against Economic Treason domestically.
No coercive socialism (i.e.'Left-wing economically') in all that.
On social/cultural issues the BNP is consistently 'Pro-Family' (traditional 'show cause' standard for divorce; Natural definition of marriage; Opposing unnecessary abortion) as would expect Hannan is ..and opposed to giving citizenship to foreigners?
4/21/12,yt, TheNewRoadToSerfdom,

Unlikely that leftist degenerates like Sean Lock would ever dare oppose their 'Multicultural' judeo-Corporatist overlords.
Provides an insight into the vicious hatred 'humor' of the self-hating White leftist. The Stockholm Syndrome of those who've 'internalized their oppression', 'identify with their oppressor' ..and lash-out at those who advocate & advance their freedom.
Sean Lock leftists roughly = Roman slaves hating Spartacus, 'House slaves' in the antebellum U.S. South who hated Nat Turner or John Brown, and jews that reportedly denounced Moses for bringing them out of Egypt.
Leftists are Sick stuff.
4/18/12, YT,  SeanLock-NickGriffin&theBNP

10th Post of Some of My Nationalist Internet Notes

Added  Tuesday,  April/17/12

                Sir Enoch Powell, MBE (6/1912- 2/1998) a British leader that Nationalists tend to favor.

 'Loyalty to one's own, and justice for all.'
4/14/12, YT, MyTramExperience,.Woman

 @DanHannanMEP Do you s'pose maybe the purpose of your economy and companies shouldn't be to increase profits to non-working people?
 Do the economic metrics of your nation account for the 'full costing' of damage done to the habitats of other species ?
What do you think the right purposes/goals are for economic activity of your Nation & species? Is "growth" maybe a bad idolatry?
 4/16/12, Twitter
 While I  believe that Pro-White advocates should be prepared to make the 'right of Nationhood/self-determination' case and the 'biodiversity of breeds' case,  another important advocacy focus is the goal/paradigm of White Nation Progress and Fellowship.
White Nation Progress is the 'paradigm'/goal of developing the Economy and Culture most conducive to our nature.  It's the cultural-economic paradigm of Natural Affinity informed by Tradition.
 It's sort of the cultural-economic paradigm of  ...'Crunchy Conservatives' by Rod Dreher/ 'Stuff White People Like' by Christian Lander/ Nationalist Economics of Tariff Import Tax and Worker Co-operatives/ Amish-to-Menonite Agrarianism/ Norse 'Thing' governance/ Anglo-American Constitutional Democracy/ Anglo-Saxon  Common Law of EdwardCoke to LearnedHand/ Swiss 'armed peacefulness' ..the pro-Peace of mutual Protectors against predators / Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) groups/ Rod & Gun Clubs/ Voluntary Eugenics of further developing traits of health,  abilities, intelligence, kindness, fortitude, etc. / Pro-Ecology 'Sustainable' Economics of 'Distributism - Localism-Decentralism' & E. F. Schumacher /the J.RR. Tolkien rural idyl of 'shire'/ the Pro-Family attachments of Family-Clan-Tribe-Nation/ Anarcho-democratic traditions of Do It Yourself (DIY) Movement and Bicycle Co-ops/ the Tradition of Exploration and Discovery/ the Tradition of Learning/  Ecological Stewardship & Animal Rights/ Traditional values of Natural Family /Pro-Family Culture of Courtship and Mating-Marriage/ Self-Determination of ethno-Nationhood/ ..etc.
It's a 'rough consensus' of natural affinity toward a life-affirming White Nationalist culture that can be  ... highly motivating and engendering dedication ... and active Fellowship.
4/17/12, OccidentalQuarterly, ‘WhitePreservationismIsDead’

 Re the 'kosher fees' paid by your family's business, and others by all of us indirectly to the jewish groups. Consider also the restaurant/food service industry ... the largest industry in America in terms of employment.
Who receives what fees for the various certifications and permitting required to do business in that field? And so what supply services tend to be used and what are 'displaced'? And how much is 'kosher'-related? .. to be able to do business serving the 'general public'.
4/17/12,YT, What’sBehindTheKosherScam?
 Many of our employers, supervisors and 'cultural arbiters' seem fairly clear and supportive of racial identity when they meet on Saturday at Synagogue.
4/15/12, YT, RaceExistsGetUsedToIt
 The only foreigners in Britain or Europe should be on very temporary student-exchange or tourist visas.
'To each his own.' 'Don't go to strangers'. 'Vive le difference'.
Voluntary Repatriation Campaign & Incentives generally Now.
Mandatory Repatriation of criminals/illegals Now.
4/15/12, YT, Young,BritishAndAngryPt1
It's a racist anti-white policy to flood Britain and Europe with foreigners, and it's probably  intended to displace, undermine our indigenous population. A self-respecting nation has more mutual loyalty than that. Identify the subversive element in your country that has been promoting that quasi-genocidal, anti-white policy, and remove it.
Voluntary Repatriation Incentives generally Now.
Mandatory Repatriation for Criminal Cases Now.

9th Post of Some of My Nationalist Internet Notes

Added Monday,  4-9-12 

 The Ecology movement 'Theta' symbol, something else often favored by Nationalists

Oh dear ..such a dangerous 'slippery slope' from 'defective' fetal humans, to 'defective' baby humans, to 'defective' infanticidal Oxford professors but a step.
And who'd be next on the 'undesireables hit list'? ..Corporate lawyers ? Hedge-Fund Managers?
Pretty soon the bodies of the 'counterproductive element'/ 'potential people' in society would be stacked up like cord-wood on street corners waiting for dump truck removal.
Reminds one of Gilbert & Sullivan's  'I've Got A Little List' ...
3-25-12, YT, LifeABurden?After-BirthAbortionOutrageSparkedInUK
The relevant ethical distinction is that you shouldn't be able to contribute SOMEONE ELSE'S MONEY to a campaign or political PAC/super-Pac or whatever. That applies to both corporations and labor unions.
The 'Citizens United' case is manifestly 'reversible error' is 'Roe vs. Wade', and should be overturned in the fairly near future.
And the whole issue should be obviated by enacting 'Voluntary Public Funding of Elections' ('Clean Elections Law').
3-25-12,YT, FeingoldCriticizesCitizensunitedDecision
 Thanks. Correction, then: "One of the largest..."
Substantive point still stands.
One of those (recurrent?) historical cases where apparently 'Familiarity breeds ..." well, concern that the jewish community was adversarially factional, and the policy of deporting them to Palestine (Adolf Eichmann's earlier assigned duty and Germany's original preferred policy in 1937).
(Odd that we don't hear much about that in our schools or corporate media ?)
4-9-12, YT, LiberalFascismQ-A(2)
This film appears to be an important part of the discussion that tragically is not taking place nearly enough on America's campuses and more widely in our media.
I'm surprised that the Professor (name?) at 02:32 says that Fitzgerald's character Gatsby/Gatz is jewish. He's definitely a type of socio-economic insurgent and parvenu, and is a bootlegger associate of the Wolfsheim/Rothstein organized crime figure. But the Gatz's of North Dakota aren't likely jewish. (Cont.)
           (Continued) ...Or is this just as close as Fitzgerald could come to it, without upsetting the 'publishing' community? Kinda like the way citing of (Bostonian, Pro-White historian/journalist) Lothrop Stoddard's books has to be by an unsympathetic character, Tom Buchanan.
Anyway, this film deserves a re-working and additional 30 minutes to find a general-market audience through film festivals and judicious release of 'teaser' clips on the internet. Check Jarecki's 'Why We Fight' or Michael Moore for 'pacing'.
3-30-12, YT, MinorityRule:TheRiseOfPoliticalCorrectness
                                                          Added Wednesday,  3-28-12
 Irish ethno-cultural nationalism within British Nationhood. Subsidiarity within Solidarity.
3-28-12, YT, SineadOconnor,OroSeDoBheathaBhailehite
Scouting: another thing that Nationalists tend to favor.

Re the coverage of the Toulouse France Murders .... The White Nationalist community is owed an apology and some substantive amends/reparation for the TWO smears circulated by the Corporatist media's malpractice: equating white nationalism with neo-nazis, and misreporting that either were responsible for this atrocity.
Corporatist media itself is an ongoing atrocity of misleading propaganda, and should be held accountable.
And is there any evidence to suggest that France might have a judeo-supremacist problem in media, finance, etc. ?
3-23-12, yt, Anti-semitismAndMurderInFrance:SomeDeeperProblemsInFrenchSociety
 Under the one coat of paint on a contemporary 'liberal/social democrat/Leftist' you'll find an oppressive fascist. And the paint's flaking away increasingly often nowadays
3-28-12, YT, LiamStaceyJailedForRacistTweet:TheDoubleStandard

8th Post of Some of My Nationalist Internet Notes

Added Saturday, 3/24/12

Swiss Army Knives (or most things Swiss): another item Nationalists tend to favor.
 (something to do with being able to make oneself useful. And 'Be Prepared' as we often say.)

 A Nationalist Joke : 
  So, a small group of Nationalists walk into a bar and order beers, and the Leftist/degenerate  owner-bartender says  “We don’t serve Nationalists here. You’ll have to leave”.
So, without a word, they go out and decide to start a Nationalist pub across the street.
 ..Within a year it’s a great success, sourcing everything locally, composting their garbage for local CSA farms, giving discounts to bicyclists and credit-union members, offering a little lending library of nationalist-oriented books  ..known throughout the city as a hub for great conversation and civic fellowship.
 ..Three years go by, and the Nationalists have recruited the Leftist bar owner’s best White staff away from him, and structured their pub as a Workers’ Co-op. The Leftist bar-owner goes bankrupt, his wife leaves him, his so-called friends desert him, and his life is a mess.
..On the night he’s closing his place for the last time, the small group of Nationalists from years ago walk over and one says  “OK then, ..Would you  perhaps be OUR guest for a beer instead ?”

 Well, it helps if our public discourse in Europe, America etc. clearly recognizes that imposition as predation or hegemony or imperialism ..and NOT nationalism. Right now Nationalism is being widely misrepresented, probably intentionally, as a sort of pugnacious, jingoistic hyper-patriotism. (e.g. Nicolas Negroponte's Youtube video on "nationalism".)
And there doesn't appear to be an alternative term/concept being circulated for the real basic & historical Nationalism TSIAW describes here.
3-22-12, YouTube, NationalismAndWesternSupremacy

So TSIAW, .. sounds like you might share my appreciation of Marcus Garvey, Mohandas Gandhi, and Sun Yat -sen as nationalist advocates and organizers for their respective ethno-nations.
Who among those or others would you cite as being among the ranks of the exemplary as nationalists in history?

Would you agree that our bringing up these other exemplary nationalists in our public advocacy as points of reference helps to put white nationalism in a clearer context ..
.... so that our fellow citizens can have a better understanding of 'where we're coming from' , rather than the misleading smear narrative that judeo-corporatist media tends to run?

Added 3/21/12 Wednesday
“Psychoanalysis as a Jewish-dominated intellectual movement is a central component of this war on [non-jewish] cultural supports for high-investment parenting.”   --- Prof. Kevin MacDonald, ‘The Culture Of Critique’

 Statue of Swiss Nationalist, Wilhelm Tell

 Globalism is predatory and degenerate.
 Nationalism is the cure. Nationalism is the right of self-governance of an ethno-culture, with the concomitant recognition of that right for other ethno-cultures. Nationalism is pro-peace and anti-imperialism.
And globalist judeo-corporatists hate it, because Nationalism makes it much more difficult to exploit people. Negroponte is either ignorant or a smear-monger.
3-21-12, yt,nationalismisadiseasewithnicholasnegroponte